BW/BW2 What previous Pokemon do you wanna see in the Isshu 'Dex?

larvitars and trapinches...I WANT A FLYGON IVE NEVER HAD ONE!!!! also to be able to get all the older game starters. i always liked that in HGSS that i could pick cyndaquil and have mudkip and bulbasaur to balance everything out. also this probably wont ever happen but MEW!!!
Would it be cool if past starters appear in the wild, tall grass of Isshu? Higly unlikely but...
Drakeman said:
Would it be cool if past starters appear in the wild, tall grass of Isshu? Higly unlikely but...

Whoa i was thinking of that 2 seconds before i saw your post. Also it wouldn't happen because the game is not the Anime. XD
They should make an anime based video game.
We get to play as ash and have to capture his pokemon the same way he did.
Or maybe play the game from a different persons point of view?
Like a Misty Version and Brock Version?
Lolz.! XD
ElectroKing23 said:
They should make an anime based video game.
We get to play as ash and have to capture his pokemon the same way he did.
Or maybe play the game from a different persons point of view?
Like a Misty Version and Brock Version?
Lolz.! XD

If you meant that we have to catch the same Pokemon as they did in the show, Ash better catch a Lucario, a Lotad, a Lugia and a Mijumaru.
Playerking95 said:
Whoa i was thinking of that 2 seconds before i saw your post. Also it wouldn't happen because the game is not the Anime. XD
ElectroKing23 said:
Haha... yup true2..
They should make an anime based video game.
We get to play as ash and have to capture his pokemon the same way he did.
Or maybe play the game from a different persons point of view?
Like a Misty Version and Brock Version?
Lolz.! XD

Eeewww, i think those versions would not get any love from fans anywhere save for some who want to try. I'd like to catch my own choice Pokemon you know?
Playerking95 said:
If you meant that we have to catch the same Pokemon as they did in the show, Ash better catch a Lucario, a Lotad, a Lugia and a Mijumaru.

it was just an idea.
Ralts (To get Gallade), Snorunt (To get Froslass), Dunsprace (To get New Evolution, MAYBE), Rhyhorn (To get Rhyperior), Eevee (To get New Eeveelution, MAYBE) Shinx (To get Luxray). That's a lot, But I hope it'll be granted.
I'm hoping that Mareep, Growlithe, and Ralts show up. <3 I'll utterly annoyed if more Tentacools show up. I can understand that they are likely to show up in every game, but it would be nice if they made them a little less common.
I dont know if they might put other regions pokemon in the dex because it's supposed to have 157 pokemon, but if they do i would like to see mareep, skorpi ( i think thats his name) and buizel.
I don't think Tentacool is a nuisance. :( I love my Tentacruel. He's really strong! I'm usually not a big fan of water Pokemon, but with the introduction of Wotter, I think we might see some cool new ones. As for land Pokemon, please Jigglypuff, please please please. And Mareep. :3 ...and also Miltank!
Pokemon families I would like to see back in Isshu:

Gen1: Growlithe, Cubone, Exeggcute
Gen 2: Flaffy, Teddiursa, Swinub, Houndour
Gen 3: Numel, Cacnea, Spoink, Poocheyena, Carvahna
Gen 4: None. We shouldn't have any pokemon from the previous generation in Isshu.
Meaty said:
Psyduck's been in every generation so far, he better be in this one. and why do people dislike Zubat? If you actually catch one and raise one Crobat is really good in-game.

It is true. I did that and now i have a crobat that is in the middle of destroying the elite 4.
All I want is a Trapinch in the desert area, so by the time I get the Badge that enables fly, I'll have a Vibrava/Flygon.
Lots of pokemon have been recycled in new generations and remakes already. I can do without Johto pokemon or Kanto pokemon after HGSS.

I'd like to see some of the Hoenn pokemon like Cacnea, Trapinch and Lotad.

EDIT: +1 to raising a Zubat! I ignored it for a few generations, then raised one, jokingly at first. Crobat is awesome!
It kind of been confirmed pikachu is making a comeback. But other wise now i don't want any previous pokemon but pikachu because he is already in the game so i just have to deal with it.