What primes will be ran after the rotation?

Kittymew said:
Raichu Prime doesn't seem that interesting to me. Umbreon and Espeon...maybe rogue, very rogue. Absol Prime will be a very interesting rogue lock deck, depending on how fast it can set up; Metagross may help. Collectors certainly will, to get it and Skarm FB out. Of the current primes, Donphan is obviously the best card printed in HGSS and in a block metagame may warrant a ban (assuming a good rules maintenance team, who knows, maybe we'll see some firings). Kingdra is very overrated, and will see rogue play but that's about it. Honestly, other than Donphan...there really isn't anything epic at all.

Tier 1 Primes: Donphan
Tier 2 Primes: Typhlosion (maybe, I think zard will catch on a lot in the new format due to draw power), Tyranitar, maybe Kingdra
Rogues: Nothing else is so bad you can't build a rogue deck around it.

Really surprised you see Kingdra as a tier 2 prime. It is probably better than Donphan so I dont quite understand what is so bad about it?
Im sorry, but kingdra is teir one. It has good matchups except against luxchomp, but Ive beaten Luxchomp with kingdra before. It wasnt easy, but it was done.
Vulpix Yolk said:
I think that both Kingdra and Donphan will both be very good playable primes now and after the rotation

generic comment is generic.

I think T-TAR.

just cuz, i mean look at it. its arm is all up there and stuff. plus the ability to spread 20 is pretty nice, and its not THAT slow, larvitar >rare candy >T-tar prime >sp. dark only takes one turn
I am thinking a Crobat Prime deck will do pretty good, all it needs is one energy and Unown G does not exsist anymore. They would have to keep on retreating to stay alive. I was thinking of running it with Dugtrio, not sure.
If we get them, Great Gengar and Great Mew will be played. I'm going to predict seeing a little Great Magnezone for those who cannot live without a Claydol-style card.

Otherwise, the obvious Kingdra/Donphan with a splash of T-tar in the format... nothing new, nothing special

I doubt Crobat will really make a difference. Think about it... this format will see a lot of Level-ups and quick evolves. 40 poison is nice, but once they bench that sucker, it will sit. You will HOPE to 3-shot pokes. I've seen many of the good pokes have very low retreat next format (save for Donphan). Dugtrio looks fine in there, but you will barely be able to kill anything off. Garchomp C X will be your worst nightmare... or about any deck that uses poketurn. I'm just not seeing the use for a stage 2 that only does 40 per attack... sry guys D:
Tyranitar(i mean it do well at nationals...)
Crobat(not saying it will be good but played)
Typholision as an overrated tech/energy accelaration...
The new ones
Scizor(DGX kills it but worth trying)
Espeon/umbreon(someone always tries to make eevees work)
Zero said:
If we get them, Great Gengar and Great Mew will be played. I'm going to predict seeing a little Great Magnezone for those who cannot live without a Claydol-style card.

Otherwise, the obvious Kingdra/Donphan with a splash of T-tar in the format... nothing new, nothing special

I doubt Crobat will really make a difference. Think about it... this format will see a lot of Level-ups and quick evolves. 40 poison is nice, but once they bench that sucker, it will sit. You will HOPE to 3-shot pokes. I've seen many of the good pokes have very low retreat next format (save for Donphan). Dugtrio looks fine in there, but you will barely be able to kill anything off. Garchomp C X will be your worst nightmare... or about any deck that uses poketurn. I'm just not seeing the use for a stage 2 that only does 40 per attack... sry guys D:

The low retreat doesn't matter at all, I beat jumpluff twice in a row with crobat prime, metagross UL, dugtrio PL and jirachi UL, I really love this deck and i'll be running crobat prime for sure!
I'll be rogue and running Steelix Prime, the rotation really hurt me though. With Steelix/Blissey/Weavile/Claydol, I've beaten almost all the current metagame: Jumpluff, Luxchomp, Gengar, Sablelock, Gyarados and most other tanks.

I only auto-lose against BlazeRays which aren't that common, and a few losses from slow starts.

Without Claydol and Weavile though, I'll have to rethink my whole deck.
I think steelix could be good, the problem is the ideal T1 is hard to get
Engineers a special metal
Then BTS Onix into Steelix Prime and attach DCE, if you get that the deck is fast and a killer/tank.