What Salamence ex is better?

Which Salamence ex is better?

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wow wow wow... Hold the phones. The PK one kicks the crap out of the DX Salamence.

30 damage to all your opponents Pokes! Constant 150 damage!
Sally dx has a sexy body...has an attack that DOESN'T require 4 energy to do, and does about the same amount for a far less costly effect.
Yeah... Sally (DX) > Sally (PK) big time. It's a pain in the you-know-what discarding 5 off the top of your deck all the time. Discard 2 energies is a lot better. Plus the Body on the DX one rocks, so the ex's retreating don't have a pain in the you-know-what cost either.
both are good the PK one is very good for his 2nd attack.  1t attack he has isnt bad but it is very costly...If played at the right time it is very deadly.  The DX one is well AWESOME....
It really depends on what your deck consist of and how it is runned to determined which is the best card.  As HolyStar has said they are Shard weak which will get some playign time at regionals I can assure you.....perhaps a clue....:p :p :p :p
I will post no more threads, only replies now. But I do think that the DX one is better. P.S i well neever tipe useeeng bat spulling.
blazikenrocks said:
I will post no more threads, only replies now. But I do think that the DX one is better. P.S i well neever tipe useeeng bat spulling.
who are you talking to???
PS...no one cares if you post a thread or not...not a big loss.
Dx one > Pk one.
The Power Keepers one is way to costly to be effective, while the Deoxys one has an awsome body, a good sniper attack, plus a powerful attack with little cost that can easily be countered with something like Metagross (Dx).
Let's do a comparison.
Same HP, Retreat, Weakness, Resistance

Free Retreat for non-EX Pokémon vs. No Body
DX: 1 PK: 0
2 Energy snipe for 40 vs. 30 Spread, discard all [W], [C][C][W][W]
DX: 3 PK: 1 (I'll give it points, its helps)
[R][W][C][C], Discard 2 energy, 120. vs. [R][R][C][C] 150, discard 5 random cards
DX: 5 PK: 1 (Far too risky)

Deoxys proves to be somewhat superior.
DX is easier to use and has some really nice perks ... but IMHO the PK one is more able to win games.

Sally (pk) + Altaria d ex / Delcatty ex

Sally with Altaria & Delcatty can hit the bench for 30 turn after turn ... there are VERY few decks that can take that ... and it does it without discarding the top 5 or taking damage the way Metagross does to Sally ex (dx) in Sallygross. OR you can do 150 for several turns and simply use Delcatty to refresh your deck should you come close to decking out. Add the safeguard Altaria as a tech and possibly Delcatty (pk) for draw so you don't need trainers as much and you are set. Celebi ex could be a tech to get back a needed card from the discard pile or you could even use Magcargo with Smooth Over to manage your discards/draw. If you use basic energy only Power Tree or Chimecho d could be helpful too.

Anyway my point is simply that it's not too hard to make a really good Sally ex (pk) deck. You really have to make it the main focus of your deck, but a single stage 2 attacker with plenty of stage 1 support is going to be consistant and insanely powerful.
DX, but Salamence DF > All of them

DX one is better b/c it has many options, can do good damage anywhere, and doesnt have effect of discarding top 5? cards of your deck... Yeah, Salamence PK can attack the bench great, but dont you have to discard for that one two? Bottom line is that though Salamence ex PK attacks are awesome, they have a harsh negative effect
Sally ex (pk) has to discard two water energy that are attached to him ... no deck discard. If you have energy acceration it's flat out nasty. Much stronger than Sally ex (dx)'s bench attack.
The 150 to the active requires deck discard.  The 30 to all bench attack does not. It requires dicarding attached energy ... but you can get that back one way or another .. hence my "with energy acceleration" statement.
