What should I play for _________?

^Sablock, if nobody is really compeditive. It is a little boring, though. If you want something more consistent, go for Dialgachomp.
If nobodys that comptetitive, I'd say Gyarados. I once ran Vilegar in a non comptetive area, and faced someone who ran no trainers!
^Lol, I was actually playing a fun deck with no trainer against a Vilegar. He could only snipe 30 per turn.

As for the deck, take sablock, because it will, with the new rules, be beast.
Right, will time to revive this thread since nationals is 2 days away for me (down in NZ)

Metagame:Most people have non meta decks, but there will be 6 or so people who can make Luxchomp, LostGar, Definitly going to be A G-dos, possibly vilegar, definitly a Mewperior
What you can play:sablock,dialgachomp,vilegar,Kingdra Swam (with a mespirit Lock tech)

Don't really know what to run, as I have said there isn't going to be to many meta decks, but there will be some and they will obviously make top cut...I won battleroads last weekend with the kingdra swarm deck mentioned above, and as of late it's the deck I feel most comfortable with. I am just worried about luxchomp, as flashbite, brightlook, flash impact isn't kingdra's friend. That's why I added a mespirit tech to stop being Stolen by this

So could kingdra hold it's own?
Azelf Master said:
Do you have donphan? If you add it to Kingdra, it will counter LuxChomp.

Sadly, no :( I traded both my donphans as I used to run kingphan. I might be able to get a 2-2 line before Saturday though. I know I can get them on the morning of...

I would run vilegar, but I know there isn't alot of meta decks. And there is a low trainer count in alot of decks...which can make vilegar hard. Plus my build has no umbreon counter D:

the kingdra swarm is my best bet(uses floatzelX aswell) I can use mespirit to eliminate there brightlook/healing breath...maybe I'll try get thoes donphans then and run kingphan with power lock
So would you consider a straight kingdra swarm (using floatzel for recovery) an auto-loss to luxchomp?

If you drop mespirit's, and keep the lock going to avoid brightlook, and healing breath and play your expert belts smartly surely you could play around it? Will try my best to get the donphans aswell, as having thoes plus the lock would rock :D might have to take out floatzel X for donphan line though? But atleast if I get the donphan, and use mespirit I can stop the brightlooking kingdra's off the bench.
pokemon24/7 said:
Event:battle roads
Metagame:really no one here like competive decks but me
What you can play:sablock,blazechomp,dialgachomp,charizard,machamp,vilegar,gyrados
what is the best deck with these new rules change
Gyrados, if no one else plays competitive go Trainerdos, the games will go pretty quickly
Event:Us nationals
Division: seniors
Metagame: Really anythign hgss-on, probably alot of reshiram+emboar/typho/magnezone ect. Maybe some zekrom or donphan. Also there might be lostgar. I really don't know
What you can play: Absoultly anything
US nats for HGSS-on? Donchamp. It doesn't have the degree of an autoloss most of the other meta decks do to *something*.
HI! I need to know what deck to play during this Tourny:

Event: NC Battle Road
Division: Seniors
Metagame: Luxchomp, Vile-Gar, Jumpluff, DONPHAN (Lots of people run Donphan near me)
What you can play: Just about anything. (I have most/If not all. Meta cards)

And, if someone says, Gyarados, please give me a GOOD/WINNING Deck list.
It sounds like you already know that the play is Gyarados, though Sabledonk is another effective option if you have the cards.