Right, will time to revive this thread since nationals is 2 days away for me (down in NZ)
Metagame:Most people have non meta decks, but there will be 6 or so people who can make Luxchomp, LostGar, Definitly going to be A G-dos, possibly vilegar, definitly a Mewperior
What you can play:sablock,dialgachomp,vilegar,Kingdra Swam (with a mespirit Lock tech)
Don't really know what to run, as I have said there isn't going to be to many meta decks, but there will be some and they will obviously make top cut...I won battleroads last weekend with the kingdra swarm deck mentioned above, and as of late it's the deck I feel most comfortable with. I am just worried about luxchomp, as flashbite, brightlook, flash impact isn't kingdra's friend. That's why I added a mespirit tech to stop being Stolen by this
So could kingdra hold it's own?