Pokemon What species of Pokemon have not been created yet?

What is your favorite type of Pokemon?

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I also think we should have a giant Squid-like Pokemon...that could be an Octillery evolution, if the decide to give Octillery another evolution...
That or it could be a Tentacruel evolution. Tentacruel makes sense also, since it's almost like a squid
You know how Clamperl is a Clam and it evolves into Fish? Why don't they have Clamperl evolve into a Gigantic Clam?
Poke_Gal said:
Piplup 321 said:
There are still many they can use. :)
Here's just a few ideas;
An ant pokemon
A llama pokemon
A flamingo pokemon
A swan pokemon
A zebra pokemon
A mosquito pokemon

There are loads of different creatures they could use for pokemon.
Plus, there are always pokemon that aren't based of animals; e.g. Magnemite.

Edit: Shouldn't water be in that poll?

Yeah, Water is my favorite.

Uh, maybe a human Pokemon?

Jynx is a human based/shaped pokemon
Sweet Dawn said:
Shadow Pokemon? Isn't that what Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness was all about?

I know but all those Pokemon were never in the series like Red, Gold, Ruby, Diamond...you know what I mean. :D Shadow Pokemon would make the game more cool! :p
Killer Whale? Sounds like it should a branched Walimer evolution (it would evolve either into a killer whale or a float whale [Wailord], as described in the Pokedex)
A hippie? I don't think so. That doesn't make much sense. I don't know what a hippie would do, but I don't it would do much...
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