What * (Star) Cards Do You Have And How'd You Get Them?

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I have quite a few Shinings, here's the list:

Shining Mudkip (Traded)
Shining Treecko (Traded)
Shining Latias (Traded)
Shining Latios (Given to me by Giovanni, thanks Gio)
Shining Rayquaza (Bought for $10)
Shining Entei (Traded)
Shining Raikou (Prerelease)
Shining Suicune (Booster Pack)
Shining Groudon (Traded)
Shining Kyorge (Traded)
Shining Metagross (Traded)
Shining Mewtwo (Traded)
Shining Pikachu (Traded for it at LCQ 2006)
Shining Celebi (Traded for it at LCQ 2006)
Three Shinings from Neo Destiny and two from Neo Revalation.
I have no * cards and never have. The problem is that in england the * cards are more expensive compared to america. And the pokemon trend lasted about a year and then died out so you dont always see them. Apart from pikachu * which is always on there. I have more luck with EX cards.
I got 1 pack from my baby brother on christmas day, and it was treecko *, my favourite pokemon at the time! cha cha!
I had some luck recently:

Regice (pulled)
Gyarados (Pulled, then sold on ebay)
Celebi (Pulled and sold)
Pikachu (pulled and Sold)

I want to sell the regice. Ive been averaging around 30 per ex.
I'm from Europe (poland) Pokemon TCG isnt very popular.

I have Mewtwo* (in booster), Registeel*(traded), and Pikachu*(from friend). Jolteon*- coming soon..
I'm Card-Hacker, I make cards in Polands.
I've made:

and more..., They have unique beautiful shining holofoil^^

From Neo Destiny:
-Shining Celebi (booster)
-Shining Raichu (friend)
-Shining Mewtwo and Noctowl (are traded)
latias* x 4(one as gift, one from booster box other two traded for)
latios* x 4(all from random pack's had 5 but traded 1)
rayquza* x 4(3 from packs traded for one)
groudon* x 2(traded for them)
mewtwo* x 2(one English one Japanese both bought on-line)
mew* (got in first edition Japanese booster box)
charizard* x 4 (first edition Japanese, bought on-line)

one's i traded entei*, gyarados*, and regirock*.
RE:  What * (Star) Cards Do You Have And How'd You Get Them?

Abhorsen said:
I've got:
1x Mewtwo*
8x Raikou* (i'm serious)
I've seen his Raikou collection...& I'm glad I was able to help you out Abhorsen!
I see HOW DID YOU GOT a lot stars??
I Poland nobody haves Pokemon* except me and my friends...
My original Pokemon* I have only booster and friends..
Randomman29> Can you trade with me??
This thread is almost more than a year old, please do not revive thread which are more than 2 weeks old.

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