what TCG game will be out of style

favorite TCG game

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Pokemon and Yugioh are the only 2 TCG games that have been on the TV so I'm guessing those are the 2 most popular TCG what is your opinion
What do you mean the one that you think sux or your fave.
My fave is Pokémon! But I thought you meant what will problaby suck and I put in yu-suckY-HO! (You know what I mean!)
TYranitarFReak said:
u posted the wrong thing in the wrong place dude. In pokebeach, i bet most of the votes will go to pokemon

Yea Agree with you
Hiro: 1 Question why peoples join Pokebeach?
AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!! I accidentally voteed for Star Wars! I actually meant Pokemon...sorry!
I like more pokemon than yugioh (I haven't play the others)
becouse in yugioh one card change everything and in pokemon you have to put more stragedy
^Lolz. Spamness.

Over here in the U.S. Duel Masters never sees any play that I know of. But in Japan it's mecha, so I don't know what to call that.

Pokemon? It's the game that's growing the fastest. Yay us.

Yu-gi-oh. Ew. It's declining =/

Magic. <3333333333333. Anyways it'll never die. Like...ever.

LOTR. wth?

Star Wars. See above.

Naruto. Lolzers, it's huge right now, since it just started. We'll talk in about 5 years.

WOW. See Naruto.

Arcanine out.
Apart from pokemon I would say magic is one of the best. I don't personally enjoy magic, but I know what a huge following it has. In the UK I have noticed a bit of interest in warcraft and something called avatar. Yu-gi-oh is still popular here but it is slowly losing interest. I have never really liked yu-gi-oh. It never appealed.