I love the idea of Electrode GX as the energy type in it's poke power is not specified. I Would enjoy input as to who you would pair with it in standard?
My first thought would be to pair it with both Mr. Mime - GX and Jolteon EX and Vaporeon EX and fluster your opponent as much as possible. May not be the best idea but you could easily power up both your attackers Jolteon and Vaporeon turn 2 (possibly turn 1), then halt any damage being taken.
I love the idea of Electrode GX as the energy type in it's poke power is not specified. I Would enjoy input as to who you would pair with it in standard?
My first thought would be to pair it with both Mr. Mime - GX and Jolteon EX and Vaporeon EX and fluster your opponent as much as possible. May not be the best idea but you could easily power up both your attackers Jolteon and Vaporeon turn 2 (possibly turn 1), then halt any damage being taken.