Pokemon What Type do you Like Best?

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This is why I decided to make a Rain Dance team my themed team. Also, I like Psychic-types, too.
i like every type i guess, but the least i like are the Normal ones..actually, i started liking Steel types because of Empoleon
( Water / Steel )
Probably steel, water and ground. I don't think poison deserves to be a type really :/
ICE I'm sure off that but second place comes electric 3th is psy
4th dragon 5th ghost
that's it I think reply wath you think about my choice


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I'm partial to the grass type myself. And I love water as well. And steel. I love em' all actually xDD
Fire is one of my favourites, but I also like Psychic types. And you can't really go too far wrong with Water types. Normal types are quite good as well.
Psychic followed by Dragon. Reasons, Psychic: just look it is powerful most Psychics have wide move pools and great stats. Dragon: Powerful, great moves, look cool, and a grand mythical beast come to life.
WaterMasterº said:

enough said...

2nd comes ice (cuz its the most close to water :D)

Actually, most psychic pokemon have horrible stats and very small move pools. The only decent psychic pokemon is metagross. And he's a physical hitter 99% of the time.

Gardevoir, bad stats - only can learn psychic and thunderbolt.

Espeon - great special attack and speed, bad defense. Psychic, thunderbolt, bite.

And of course, ubers. But they don't count.

I'd say bug has to be my fave type. Except heracross and scizor. They can actually fight.
Nuff Said
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I like

Fire Type Bcoz My fave Pokemon is Blaziken !:D
And Dragon Type I also like Salamence and Dragonite :D
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