What Was the FIRST Cinema Movie You watched?

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Titanic when I was 2. I don't remember it, but Leo was the perfect choice to play that guy IMO.
Shining Latios said:
I think mine was Pokemon the first movie, Elf or Shrek. Good times, good times xD

Wait? They made a Pokemon movie which hit the theaters? :0

Water Pokémon Master said:
Casper the Friendly Ghost.

Wow, that movie must be so old now, but when I watched it as a young child, I thought the graphics were flawless. :p
Wait? They made a Pokemon movie which hit the theaters?

The first three movies did, then they went straight to DVD (In America & Europe anyway)

Anyways, mine was Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone. Didn't like it then, don't like it now.
GrimsChild said:
The first three movies did, then they went straight to DVD (In America & Europe anyway)

Anyways, mine was Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone. Didn't like it then, don't like it now.

Philsopher's Stone???...I think you have Harry Potter and Full Metal Alchemist mixed up

it would be Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
qnetykz said:
Philsopher's Stone???...I think you have Harry Potter and Full Metal Alchemist mixed up

it would be Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

It was named different in different countries. Well, at least the books were. He/She might have been from England/UK/etc.

dmaster out.
I remember seeing Thomas the Train Engine around 4-5 and Bug's Life at 5.
d master342 said:
It was named different in different countries. Well, at least the books were. He/She might have been from England/UK/etc.

dmaster out.
yeah D master is right in the UK/England its originally the Philsopher's Stone but when it was debuted in the USA was changed to sorcerer's stone.
I was born at home, and while my mom gave birth ( eww) the TV was on, and Independence day ( the film) so I guess thats the first thing I ever saw xD

The earliest cinema film that I saw was Monsters Inc. I later bought the VHS and never watched it again. xD
I can't remember which came first, but I think I either saw the first Pokemon movie or that Thomas the Tank Engine movie first.
Titanic. Four years old.

I actually loved that show. Can't remember anything about it.
I've got no idea what the first movie I saw at the cinema was. I think my Mum was telling me once that when my Dad was alive he took me and my brothers to see something... But I was like two or three. I think it was something from Disney or Pixar. But eh. *shrugs*
i think it was a live action version of The Jungle Book, i can't really remember though because i was like 4 or 5, and i'm pretty sure it was in theaters
Tarzan at like 3 or 4. I stood up and yelled in front of the theater "I GOTTA GO POO POO!" The first one I actually remember was Toy Story 2
EB Zero said:
Tarzan at like 3 or 4. I stood up and yelled in front of the theater "I GOTTA GO POO POO!" The first one I actually remember was Toy Story 2

xD I hate it when i have to go to the restroom during a movie. LOL.

Btw..Toy Story is for "teh" win! xD
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