What was your first deck?

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My first deck that I used in a tournament was a Magnezone Lv.X deck using Electivire SW for support. My first deck ever (that I remember) was a random deck after a Stormfront pre-release with Heatran Lv.X and Bibarel.
My VERY first tournament deck was houndoom from neo discovery.
I wasn't very good at the game, but I could get a flamethrower going lol.
When I first got into the game back in 1997, I mainly just collected and traded. I never built an actual legit deck, so that doesn't count. My first deck(since getting back into the game back in June) was a random conglomeration of Infernape PL, Houndoom GE, and Magmortar SW, with the Lv. X.
I believe I also somehow found a way to squeeze Heatran Lv. X in there.....yeah. Very overcrowded. I eventually thinned it down to pure Infernape, but i swapped some of the PL's out for MD's cuz i got sick of flipping tails. I then put PL back in because I got sick of always having to discard ALL the energy on Infernape MD, even if all i wanted to kill was a Sableye! I've since taken the deck apart due to it no longer being legal, and the fact that i could never make it flow as smoothly as I wanted it to.

I've also somehow combined Magmortar SW and a 4-4-1 line of Machamp SF into a deck that ACTUALLY WORKED for a period of time....and no Azelf either. Still dumbfounds me to this day how well it actually worked. Then again, I was playing Tangrowth AR and Electrode SF as my 2 friends leads....yeah fun times. I eventually realized that MagMachamp, as i came to call it, wasn't working anymore. So, I removed Machamp and paired it with.......Tangrowth SF......no synergy whatsoever, but it worked at the time LOL.
My first real deck was a Scizor/Cherrim deck. My friend was collecting all these Scizors, so I decided to use them to build a deck. I remember going to a friend's house where he was having a tournament; I ended up winning and I got a caramel cheesecake to take home. =D Afterwards I went something like 3-3 at regionals beating a SP deck and winning a pack of Darkrai sleeves in the process. It was awesome.
my 1st deck was green cyclone theme deck from ex crystal guardians. i just tweaked it a little then played casual .. my & my friends were soo noob back then and doesnt really know how to play the game rules .. i just learned how to play tcg when i joined here which resulted to building my 1st competitive deck; toxitank .. funny how many sets have passed until i knew how to play it right.
the starter deck from base set 1 with the 1st edition Machamp I used to love playing that deck with my friends at school however the first deck I made myself was a mixture of fossil Genger and dark vilplume and didnt work well because the lines wernt good and the surport was pritty fail too
My very first deck was the Lightning Bug deck from Base Set 2, which I quickly tweaked with cards from another Base Set 2 deck (the one with Clefairy) and a Fossil Magneton I got in a booster at the time. I kept using that deck, adding some better lines as time passed until I moved to a Psychic Deck based on Sabrina's deck and Base Set Zap! deck.

From that on, my collection grew immensely, and I had too many different decks to keep track. My favorites were, definitely, Rock Lock, a Steel/Grass deck I made with Scizor ex, Torterra and Claydol, a Dark/Fire deck based on discarding, Empoleon spread and the ever-awesome Luxpluff.
the first deck i remember using was a completly random thing with fossil moltres and jungle clefable along with a lot of random stuff back when i barly knew how to play but i literly broke out in tears when i had to tear the deck apart at my first tournament. (cities 2007-2008 season) but my first real deck that i used was the ex delta theme deck with the crobat way back when i first signed up at my league. but the first deck i used that was not complete crap (can i say that on pokebeach?!?!?!?!?!) was a deck with SW gallade and HGSS jumpluff that i called gallpluff and it had donphan prime and SW gardevoir as backbone.
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