What was your old name?

2nd name change: Mudkip
1st name change: CynthiaFan101
Name I started with: Mudkip711

I <3 Mudkip and Cynthia :p
Name I started with: BlazikenEX_Rox
2nd Name: BlazikenEX Rocks
3rd Name: Fire Pokemon Master
4th Name: Fire_Pokemon_Master
5th Name: Fire Pokemon Master
Now: Fridge

Yeh, I know :(
Current Name: Soul Seeker
2nd Name Change: *Haven't happened yet*
1st Name Change: Soul Seeker
The Name You Started With: z0n3 g3tt3r
Name you started with: MylesPrower
1st Name change: MylesPrower
2nd Name change: MylesPrower

Current name: MylesPrower
Current Username: Sweet Dawn Berlitz

3rd Username: Sweet Dawn
2nd Username: Dawnfanboy
1st Username: Dawn and Pachirisu
Original Username: May and Manaphy
Current usernam: xxashxx
1st namechange:xxashxx
Name I started with: When the commenting system was still in effect BEFORE the forums were made: XXSAMUSXX.:)
Name started with: Pokefan4000
1st namechange: Bloo Master
Current: Pokefan4000

Well, I didn't really change my username. It was more like a nickname. I was actually called Bloo Master for a while.
4th Name Change (Current Name): Outrage
3rd Name Change: CCloud =F
2nd Name Change: Chakra
1st Name Change: CCloud
The Name I Started With: CastformCloud
1st Name Change: NewPlayer
The Name You Started With: NewPlayer

It was such a fail name.....that didn't even suit me.
2nd Name Change: Piplup234
1st Name Change: Piplup234
The Name You Started With: Piplup234
2nd Name Change: Xous
1st Name Change: Xous
The Name You Started With: Xous

Yeah... I tend to stick with what I start with, because I make the name I pick mean something. :/
1st Name Change: ShadowLugia
The Name You Started With: EXDeltadeoxys.
I joined a long time ago, but I left for a while and decided to come back with a totally different Username.
Current Name Juliacoolo
2nd Name Change:
1st Name Change: Juliacoolo
The Name You Started WitH
Phoenix said:
1st Name Change: NewPlayer
The Name You Started With: NewPlayer

It was such a fail name...that didn't even suit me.
You changed also with your name change like Gale. You acted like more spammy and looser when you were "NewPlayer" ._. Remember the Navy Spheals? xD
