What will people be running at Regionals in the Spring?

Spring Regionals? That's months away, there's no way people know what the metagame will look like then. It could be anything really...although yeah, EX's are going to always be big.

Emboar will never be good, it just requires too much to work. Blastoise only works because of Rush In and the fact that Keldeo EX is such a godly attacker.

I would suggest waiting a while before deciding what people will play. Heck, we don't even technically know what cards are going to be in Plasma Storm yet. As of now, based purely off Japan results (which aren't accurate but just for the sake of this argument), the game will pretty much stay the same, except everything not named Blastoise is going to include the Hypnotoxic Laser/Virbank Gym Combo, and Blastoise gains a new friend in the new Black Kyurem EX (the Black Ballista one). However, again, any speculation is silly because we don't even know the full set yet, much less what the metagame will look like.
If Blastoise/Keldeo is BDIF then a counter to that would be their grass weakness, and there are very little options when it comes to a strong grass deck
Lately in my area, I've seen quite some Darkrai EX. I live in western Washington, so they'll probably travel to the Salem, Oregon Regionals. I think a Fighting Deck with some grass techs, like Shaymin EX or Virizion would fair well over there. There is some Keldeo/Blastoise, too, after all, but I've still been seeing more Darkrai EX.

Landorus EX is probably ideal, but I think Terrakion, and Terrakion EX could fair excellently, too! And like I said before, you'll be glad to have a Grass tech! Shaymin EX is an excellent comeback card in general, anyway! I love it.

Come to think of it... the most consistently winning Deck during Cities was a combination of Landorus and Darkrai, I believe. I can't remember whether they were paired with BLW Klinklang or not.
Good Point PumpedAaron, however it was noted in this forum: (http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/thread-fun-celebi-ex-darkrai-ex-venusaur-foul-play-zoroark-deck-idea) grass decks don't offer many choices.

Shaymin Ex is great, potentially -180hp with revenge blast. But I wouldn't want to add more pokemon types into a all water or all ground deck. It opens the door to drawing wrong types of energy and being weak to more types of your opponents.

this pages offers a look as to what Keldeo/Blastoise might be like http://www.propokemon.com/deck-articles/blastoisekeldeo .....I personally do not like to use N or Prof Jupiter.
You don't want to use EXs, N, or Juniper? I don't want to sound rude, but...You really need help learning how to build a deck in this format.
EXs are used in every deck, so if you aren't using EXs, you will auto lose to everything. N and Juniper are the 2 best Supporters we have in the format, and every deck uses 3-4 of each. Also, make sure you have 4 Catcher in every deck you build, they are completely necessary in everything. Also, use Skyla, Ultra Ball, and Computer Search, in all your decks. They are great for searching the deck.
Ex's= gets knocked out loose twice as fast (however I'm starting to be convinced)
N= I drew cards I don't need, my whole stragety is based on a card somwhere in my prizes
Juniper= I drew cards I dont need, let me continue to draw till I run out of cards in my deck
Computer Search= I can only have 1 of them out of 60 cards in my deck: good changes of getting that, futhermore I drew cards I don't need let me discard them in hopes the one card I want isn't in my prizes
Ultra ball= I drew cards I don't need let me discard them in hopes the one card I want isn't in my prizes
Skyla= Lets use a supported card to find a trainer card (Skyla can be replaced with the trainer card you would be looking for which you greatly imporve your chances of finding it).

Good T/S cards: Gold Potion; Rescue scarf; Cheren; dark claw/patch; Enhanced Hammer (works great with new plasma energy); Pokémon Catcher
If you refuse to use staple cards...there is nothing I can do to help you.
You'll change your mind after you go to a tournament.
Alright for all you non-believers I'm sticking to the fire & electric deck! The pre-release has shown me that there are some pretty decent options
Starting with the fire side:
Heatmor's (Plasma Storm 23) Fiery licks attack depending on how much fire energy you play with can dish out -200hp (obs double that for weakness) Victini-EX (Plasma Storm 18) is a great EX counter
Reshiram (Thunder Knuckle 8) Fusion Flare works with Zekrom**

For the electric:
Zekrom (Spiral Force 19) Fusion Bolt works with Reshiram**
Zapdos-EX (Plasma Storm 48) for those who LOVE EX's
Magnemite(Plasma Storm 42)>Magneton (Plasma Storm 44) or USE REAR CANDY> Magnezone (Plasma Storm 47)
Rotom (Plasma Storm 49)

Rotom lets you discard energy then draw 3, Magnezone picks up those energy (or Heatmors discarded) and put them where ever you want (Say on to Zekrom or a Lugia EX if you have one). Rotom's Poltergeist also allows you to do damage for each trainer card your opponent has in their hand, bad for those ppl who like to stuff decks with ''Staple Cards" (ahem ahem cough cough ^^^) With 9-10 pokemon the rest of the deck can be filled in however.

** I realize that the Zekrom and Reshiram I am speaking of have not been released yet in America.
God7Fish said:
Computer Search= I can only have 1 of them out of 60 cards in my deck: good changes of getting that, futhermore I drew cards I don't need let me discard them in hopes the one card I want isn't in my prizes
Ultra ball= I drew cards I don't need let me discard them in hopes the one card I want isn't in my prizes
Skyla= Lets use a supported card to find a trainer card (Skyla can be replaced with the trainer card you would be looking for which you greatly imporve your chances of finding it). Because taking out a card that searches for a card you need increases the odds that you'll get it.

That's why you look to figure out what's prized when you first go into your deck so that you don't waste your Comouter Search.

And no, you can't replace Skyla with a Trainer because what makes Skyla good is that it's a wild card. You can choose which Trainer you want. You also can't run more of something if it's already maxed out, which is probably what you're looking for anyway (Rare Candy, Ultra Ball, Catcher).

I also wouldn't base Heatmor being good on a Prerelease. Of course it did good! There were no Darkrais. There were no Keldeos.
RE: Tournament Strategy 2013

Keeper of Night said:
Ah, I see.
In that case, most decks will be centered around Lugia EX, Klinklang (plasma) or be different Darkrai or Eels varients.

Lugia EX isn't that good. Articuno EX is the best EX-card of Plasma Storm
RE: Tournament Strategy 2013

flilix said:
Keeper of Night said:
Ah, I see.
In that case, most decks will be centered around Lugia EX, Klinklang (plasma) or be different Darkrai or Eels varients.

Lugia EX isn't that good. Articuno EX is the best EX-card of Plasma Storm

Guess again. Cobalion :p

Or Black Kyurem
GHJamesGH said:
People will be running Klinklang.

Klinklang (plasma storm) is a good choice too, I've already pulled a line so it should be readily available to others. Sigilyph & Klinklang would put up a good fight.
We might see a bit of Colress. This card is fantastic for drawing a lot of cards.




Those decks will see a lot of plays.

Blastoise Keldeo will deal some massive amount of wins also.
Ummm I doubt Hydreigon will see a of play. I see Big Basics, Darkrai/Laser, Blastoise, Klingklang and Garbodor, and of course Eels will never die lol
Can we just use this thread to talk about what people will be playing for States?
What will people be running?

Lasers that go pewpew and cities that go Virbank.

dmaster out.
I think I'll probably wait until states are over to figure out what I'll be running at spring regionals....

But I was thinking of maybe RayEels or Garbodor, if they're still good...