What will win the worlds?

Nah, I still believe that:

10- T-1,24653 Magikarp
11-14 T1 Ho-oh or T0 Regice or T2 Spoink
15+ T2 Whiscash FTW!!!!
You guys are starting to get border-lined against the rules of One line sentences.

They are answers and relate to the topic, but please try to expand on them. Show people why you think a certain deck will work and defend your theory/what ever deck with facts and even statistics if you have them. Just saves for little 1 line conversations in between.

Thanks guys.
Everyone is saying that 10 and under dont have good lists, what about the kids that have good people help them with their decks.

11-14: i think that anything could win, a good archtype player could emerge, or someone who has built a really good Rouge deck *coughDeltacoughFrequencycough*:p

15 and up: rouge deck will win here. it has in past years, so why not now *coughDeltacoughFrequencycough*:p
Lord9511 said:
Nah, I still believe that:

10- T-1,24653 Magikarp
11-14 T1 Ho-oh or T0 Regice or T2 Spoink
15+ T2 Whiscash FTW!!!!

Ok, let's explain why those decks are going to win!!

T-1,24653 Magikarp - It's the fastest deck in the format!! Before the game begins, you play a Magikrap swarm, then attack your opponent directly while he's still stting up!!

T1 Ho-oh - Use your old friend Quadruple Rainbow Energy and a triple-sided coin!! 60 T1!! And use Imakuni's Doduo to hit your opponent's eye, and while he/she's screaming in pain, shuffle his/her other Pokémon into his/her deck!!

T0 Regice - Get a Regice * in your starting hand, then use his mighty power to win before the game starts!!

I don't know about Spoink or Whiscash o_O
Did you guys seriously think I was kidding when I said that Ho-Oh ex is going to win Worlds?! =(

Delta Frequency won't win Worlds. I was planning on playing it myself, actually. I seriously tested it for nearly 2 months, and it doesn't have what it takes to survive in this metagame.