BW/BW2 What will Zekrom/Reshiram's second type be?

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Thought Fighting is Super Effective against Dark, doesn't mean it is practically Light.
Fighting is more for Pokemon that have muscles or are related to some kind of fighting style.

ForeverRed said:
I kind of agree with Reshiram being Dragon/Flying : representing the clouds/sky
and I think Zekrom could be Dragon/Electric: representing lighting/storms
Thinking about that Isshu's possible sky theme

Kind of sounds like a two-part Rayquaza.
PMJ said:
I think we can all agree that as long as neither of them are Dragon/Flying, it'll be cool B]
Yes. This a MILLION times, yes!
I think the likeliest is Electric/Fire followed by Dark/Normal.
However, I remember reading somewhere that the ROM/RAM in the names, and someone's mention of one of the characters in their names translates to System, so they might both be Dragon/Electric.

I like the link to clouds/sky and lightning/storms, by the way. Very creative!
My guess is that probably that there will be a Light Type because of Reshiram and the "White" Part in Pokemon Black and White. My guess is that Reshiram might be Light/Dragon Type and Reshiram Dark/Dragon Type.
Arceus2072 said:
My guess is that probably that there will be a Light Type because of Reshiram and the "White" Part in Pokemon Black and White. My guess is that Reshiram might be Light/Dragon Type and Reshiram Dark/Dragon Type.
I thought about this for a while, but in the end I decided that they wouldn't make one of the legendary mascots type-superior to another, otherwise there's no balance. If it's Dark/Light, then Zekrom has an edge over Reshiram, unless Light and Dark are neutral or super-effective to each other - I'm fine either way.
Basically, my argument is AGAINST it being Dark/Psychic and in favor of Dark/Light, should they add Light as a type.
Pokemancer said:
I thought about this for a while, but in the end I decided that they wouldn't make one of the legendary mascots type-superior to another, otherwise there's no balance. If it's Dark/Light, then Zekrom has an edge over Reshiram, unless Light and Dark are neutral or super-effective to each other - I'm fine either way.
Basically, my argument is AGAINST it being Dark/Psychic and in favor of Dark/Light, should they add Light as a type.

And many others.

Legendaries are supposed to be unbalanced.
Raequaza said:
And many others.

Legendaries are supposed to be unbalanced.
Ish. I agree with Kyogre>Groudon (though it's thrown out of balance because of Rayquaza), but

Raikou>Suicune>Entei doesn't match up completely because there's no parity between Entei and Raikou; the Legendary Birds also fall into this category, though they have Type parity-ish: Zapdos rules the roost given Elec vs Flying, but Articuno can pop Zapdos and Moltres can pop Articuno.

Lugia may be better than Ho-Oh, but it does not Type-Trump it.

Lati@s are equivalent types.

The legendary Dragons of DPPt don't Type-Trump.
This is why I don't think the Legendary Mascots of 5th Gen will have type trumping.
I think they prefer parity and balance over giving any one an advantage.
I really hope Zekrom isn't electric. Dragon/electric just doesn't seem to fit right with him to me. Really just about everything so far just screams Dragon/Light and Fragon/Dark types to me.
All of you are totally ignoring the FACTS!!

Nakagawa Shoko, the HOST OF POKEMON SUNDAY, posted that she wants Zekrom because it is {L} ELECTRIC {L} type!!!!
Get it through your heads! Zekrom is {L} ELECTRIC {L} !!!!!!
Its going to be Dark/Dragon and Light/Dragon.

The games are black and white. Black being dark, and white being light.

Black is the opposite of white and Dark is the opposite of light. Simple.
typhlonruxs said:
Answer then Explain

Zekrom = Dark/Dragon Reshiram = Light/Dragon.It really makes sense at all unless the Fighting Type is considered as Light type in Japan...

maybe zekrom is dark and reshiram flying
Raequaza said:
Thought Fighting is Super Effective against Dark, doesn't mean it is practically Light.
Fighting is more for Pokemon that have muscles or are related to some kind of fighting style.

Kind of sounds like a two-part Rayquaza.

I completely agree! Thank you for finally settling that whole Fighting = Light bullcrap.

Anyway I think Reshiram could either be Fire or Flying. I mean he has that torch tail and he seems a little fiery in a sense, but he's also got big wings. Either way both types fit with a clear-sky theme for Reshiram.
sturtle said:
Obviously Zekrom will be Dark/Dragon. He's completely black, and his menacing posture screams dark.

Reshiram is harder to identify though. His wings/arms could mean flying type, his completely white body could mean a new light type, or his regal pose and scary facial expressions could mean psychic type.

I don't see fighting as a possibility. How are you supposed to compare Machamp and Reshiram? Machamp is a fighting type, and he's not that regal, majestic fighting type that the Japanese are reffering to.

Personally, I want to see either a flying/dragon, or a psychic/dragon. A light type would be interesting, but too complicated. A light type would need weaknesses, strengths, and a whole plethora of new game mechanics.

There's my two cents.

I think so, too.
shadoworganoid said:
Its going to be Dark/Dragon and Light/Dragon.

The games are black and white. Black being dark, and white being light.

Black is the opposite of white and Dark is the opposite of light. Simple.
As many times stated before, the Dark type doesn't imply 'darkness', it means dark in the way of mean, evil, sneaky. It has nothing to do with 'darkness' in the way of night for example.

Also, a Light type hasn't been revealed yet. It's pretty unlikely it will be.

Dragon/Electric is still the best guess for Zekrom.

If so, Reshiram is probably going to be Dragon/Fire then.

Raequaza said:
Thought Fighting is Super Effective against Dark, doesn't mean it is practically Light.
Fighting is more for Pokemon that have muscles or are related to some kind of fighting style.
There is no one who ever said Fighting is the same as a Light type. We said Dark isn't the same as 'Darkness' (as in the opposite of light). It is Dark in the way of evil or sneaky.
I say Dragon/electric for Zekrom and Dragon/physic for reshiram. I dont think that Zekrom will be dark because my instincts tell me reshiram will be physic and reshiram wouldn't even be able to effect Zekrom with its (probably to come) "signature" move "Draco Meteor for dialga, Spacial Rend for palkia, Shadow Force for giratina ect.)...Another reason I think that Zekrom will not be Dark is that it would mean the other would have to be honorable or something to balance it out and to me, Zekrom does not look THAT evil. Reshiram also reminds me to much of a mixture of ho-oh and lugia (ho-oh like wings, lugia hands on the end (though there smaller) kinda like lugias face but sleeker, amd the big tail thing as well as the white/blue color scheme.

Anyway, thats my opinion
Dialga's signature move is Roar of Time.

Anyway, what makes you think it'll be Psychic? If Zekrom is indeed part Electric the chances are very high that Reshiram would be part Fire, since it tail doesn't only show some flame like structure, the Fire vs Electric makes more sense than your Psychic vs Electric.
The Flaming Ho-oh said:
Dragon/physic for reshiram. . . "signature" move "Draco Meteor for dialga

There are two things utterly ridiculous about your post. For one, you spelled Psychic wrong twice, so here is how you spell it correctly:

{P} P - S - Y - C - H - I - C {P}

Now, the other problem is Draco Meteor is not Dialga's signature move. It's signature move is Roar of Time.

So now you know! Glad I could help.

If Zekrom is Dark {D} then Reshiram will be Psychic {P} or Normal {C}. I'm positive. But Sources say ZEKROM IS NOT DARK TYPE! For now I believe the sources.
Pokequaza said:
Palkia's signature move is Roar of Time.

Anyway, what makes you think it'll be Psychic? If Zekrom is indeed part Electric the chances are very high that Reshiram would be part Fire, since it tail doesn't only show some flame like structure, the Fire vs Electric makes more sense than your Psychic vs Electric.

Thats Dialga's signature move, Palkia's Is Spacial Rend.
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