XY What would you like to hear regarding XY's soundtrack?

I want to hear more varied styles being used than the generic MIDI style that they've been using since the beginning. In particular, I'd like to hear rock and orchestral tunes.

DorianBlack said:
Cobalt said:
No separate theme for the final Pokemon during gym battles.

Heck no, that was one of the best things gen. V ever did, in my book.

I liked the idea, but the BW2 theme sounds a bit off IMO, particularly the beginning. Also, they should add more final Pokemon themes for other important battles like Elite 4 and Champion battles.
I want more music like the credit theme from Black and White, that song is just epic. I mean it could have easily been a battle theme.

I don't want another B/W rival battle theme, that was just meh, didn't really give me that much of a thrill, or make it seem like the battle was challenging.
I want something that will really live in your memory. Examples for me are the music of the lake guardians and of course Lavender Town.
Thief said:
I think this could fit for Lumiose City.
It's very French and I think the city should have a beautiful French underscore. Maybe not exactly that, but that was one that I found that sounded like it could belong in a game.

I do agree though that if something like the song above was in the city, then it wouldn't fit night time as much. Maybe something a little more somber or just toned down.

Ooh I really like this! Sounds just like it would in a Pokemon game. Good choice of music! I'll see if I can find any French songs like this.

I can see it now...the player walking through Lumiose City at night near a French Restaurant. Even better, eating at a French Restaurant at night with this music. Au'Críâblû! S'il vous plaît!
Thief said:
I think this could fit for Lumiose City.
It's very French and I think the city should have a beautiful French underscore. Maybe not exactly that, but that was one that I found that sounded like it could belong in a game.

I do agree though that if something like the song above was in the city, then it wouldn't fit night time as much. Maybe something a little more somber or just toned down.
Like these?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QF39Xu5akFc or this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYaLOurqIv0.
Both of them are French house, they may not be toned down or calm, much more groovy and funky, but they seem fitting in the nighttime and night life of a large French or Kalosian(?) city. However, they are not very fitting in a smaller, more rural area.
Lol. I like them both very much, but I think house music like that could be way too groovy for GF. However the city is really big, it'd be cool to have a calmer peaceful city side with cafe's and residential areas and then another part of the city could have a night club? Pokemon + Night Club = awesome.

Maybe not a night club, but a nightlife part of the city would make sense.
Thief said:
Lol. I like them both very much, but I think house music like that could be way too groovy for GF. However the city is really big, it'd be cool to have a calmer peaceful city side with cafe's and residential areas and then another part of the city could have a night club? Pokemon + Night Club = awesome.

Maybe not a night club, but a nightlife part of the city would make sense.

Like this:


Seriously though, a night club sounds like an awesome idea, sound like a good idea for a Dark type gym.
Bolt the Cat said:
Thief said:
Lol. I like them both very much, but I think house music like that could be way too groovy for GF. However the city is really big, it'd be cool to have a calmer peaceful city side with cafe's and residential areas and then another part of the city could have a night club? Pokemon + Night Club = awesome.

Maybe not a night club, but a nightlife part of the city would make sense.

Like this:


Seriously though, a night club sounds like an awesome idea, sound like a good idea for a Dark type gym.

:/ I think that is still a little too ... "real" for pokemon. If Pokemon did have a night club (please) the music would probably be more pop and less bump and grind. haha
Probably most similar to something like this:

BTW, I love Conker's Bad Fur Day and I think it would be awesome if that music was in the background during a battle. For those that listen, imagine a battle going on around 1:17. It would be epic.
Thief said:
:/ I think that is still a little too ... "real" for pokemon. If Pokemon did have a night club (please) the music would probably be more pop and less bump and grind. haha
Probably most similar to something like this:

Elesa's Gym theme doesn't really fit a club that well. I'd like to see something in between.

Thief said:
BTW, I love Conker's Bad Fur Day and I think it would be awesome if that music was in the background during a battle. For those that listen, imagine a battle going on around 1:17. It would be epic.

Doesn't really sound like good battle music IMO, Battle music should sound more upbeat.
Bolt the Cat said:
Thief said:
:/ I think that is still a little too ... "real" for pokemon. If Pokemon did have a night club (please) the music would probably be more pop and less bump and grind. haha
Probably most similar to something like this:

Elesa's Gym theme doesn't really fit a club that well. I'd like to see something in between.

Thief said:
BTW, I love Conker's Bad Fur Day and I think it would be awesome if that music was in the background during a battle. For those that listen, imagine a battle going on around 1:17. It would be epic.

Doesn't really sound like good battle music IMO, Battle music should sound more upbeat.

Well that's why I said something most like that. I don't actually want that as night club music. lol. Just in terms of being general.
In my opinion, I think the night club idea would fit Neo Team Plasma's theme, as it feels kind of like a mad party. I'm even sweating while I'm typing this for an odd reason.:p
Trip said:
In my opinion, I think the night club idea would fit Neo Team Plasma's theme, as it feels kind of like a mad party. I'm even sweating while I'm typing this for an odd reason.:p

Mad party doesn't really equate to evil teams in terms of music. They could have the evil team run the night club, though, kind of like what they did with the Celadon Game Corner.
Bolt the Cat said:
Trip said:
In my opinion, I think the night club idea would fit Neo Team Plasma's theme, as it feels kind of like a mad party. I'm even sweating while I'm typing this for an odd reason.:p

Mad party doesn't really equate to evil teams in terms of music. They could have the evil team run the night club, though, kind of like what they did with the Celadon Game Corner.
That would be really cool, maybe as a cover-up for whatever the enemy teams' lab or base is?
Also, for the music of the dance/night club, how about these? They seem a little more Pokemon-esque:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-TTKnnZ-V0 and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bfpoXeOnfbg I bet GF could do something really cool sounding, similar to those links
Also, it's more French house, I just think it is really fitting in a France-inspired Pokemon region.
Re: RE: What would you like to hear regarding XY's soundtrack?

Kyogreman said:
.Towelette said:
Justin Bieber music would be killer.

Just no....

I think a John Williams written soundtrack would be amazing

How about Hans Zimmer? That would be... -melts-
mastermagpie said:
Kyogreman said:
Just no....

I think a John Williams written soundtrack would be amazing

How about Hans Zimmer? That would be... -melts-

Oh my chills just went down my spine.

on this tangent there is also Murray Gold (the guy behind the Doctor Who soundtrack), The Track Team (from ATLA fame), and then....