BW/BW2 What you want in generation 5

-Pokemon that don't look like something put together last minute (Cherubi is the perfect example for this).
-A new Battle Frontier.
-Something to do after the game excluding filling up the pokedex.
-Better rewards for filling the pokedex.
-No Rock type gym leaders.
-An incredible storyline.
-Very few huge legendaries.

That's all I can think of ATM.
Vulpix said:
less legendaries you know.. maybe like, 4? :D
new type, not necessarily light, but something new.
optional story line (aka the good choices/bad choices logic)

oh and the option to have your pokemon follow you or not, and chose which pokemon does, not just the front of your party.

Oh you said everything ! It would be awesome for the front party pokemon to get experience uppon entering a battle but not necessarly be the one that follows you.
- A longer game. And not by a few days, I want a game that will take me A LONG time to complete. Maybe, atleast 3 weeks.
- More than 8 gyms.
- A vast region with different ecosystems.
- A BUNCH of diffrerent catchable pokemon types (I'd like to catch more than 1 fire pokemon a game, please)
- NO. VICTORY. ROAD. Swish it up a bit, VICTORY RUINS (?)
- A story. One with depth.
- No more than 5 legendary pokemon.

That's about it. :)
AndreGermanotta said:
- A longer game. And not by a few days, I want a game that will take me A LONG time to complete. Maybe, atleast 3 weeks.

I agree. It needs to be longer and harder. . .

that is so what she said
-Longer story and if it is suppose to change (The ending) based on your decisions make those things apparent in the game like if you chose a band ending or whatever make it so normal townsfolk etc. don't like you as much and shady possibly criminal people like you more and vice versa also if the decisions you make affect the outside world make that apparent as well like in R/B/E but more prominent.

-Really make the lore about legendaries and other special pokemon better they kinda did that with Platinum adding the books in the library but it still needs to be better I'd even go as far as to ask to intertwine in Legendary pokemon from other regions into this lore.

-Make better Pokedex descriptions and make descriptions that don't contradict each other.

-Make shinies slightly more accessible I'm not asking for a Pokeradar but how about lowering the encounter rate.

-Make each area truly unique let us go WOW! I've haven't seen an area like this

-Better graphics less pixels the better plus I know this may sound dumb but On like cliffs or mountains make it look like an actual rocky craggy Mountain not like you stacked the same Rock thing on top of each other anyone who has played Platinum and HG/SS should know what I'm talking about Cliff's edge anyone? The whole battle frontier area in Platinum?
ManhattanTheStarr said:
I want to see an amusement park in Isshu. I have no idea why, but I think it would be a cute and fun addition to Pokemon Black and White. I'd also like for the follower Pokemon feature to return, and I'm still waiting to see if that will be confirmed. And I LOVE how Isshu is based off of NYC (well, many people have noticed how similar they look, as well as me). ...An evolution for Medicham would be nice too. x3

Have you not seen the map yet? It was out when you posted. There is a carnival there; most likely the home to a gym and mini games.

The Pokemon following feature has been hinted at with the Zorua event. Not confirmed, but if it indeed happens hopefully it will be optional.

And lastly, and more importantly, there has been no confirmation whatsoever that isshu is based off NY. Similarities occur all the time, but just because it seems one way doesn't mean it is true. Chances of it being based off of America, in my mind, are roughly 10% or less. There is plenty of space in Japan that can be used.

-Now on to my list
1. No light type!!!
2. Bigger region than shown on the picture of the map. ( This is a given, as you can see that the map continues on but is cut off and covered up by clouds. The question is how much more land is there?)
3. Tauros evo. and pre evo that can evolve into Miltank or Tauros (wanted this for forever).
4. Kangakid! how the heck is a Kangaskahn born with a baby intact? Give it some cool moves that Kangashkahn cannot learn to make it worth while.
5. more fire types, but don't reduce the water types to that of non existent.
6. Fix what HG/SS could not- Better stories along with expanding the time needed to beat the game. So what if HG/SS had Kanto? There was absolutely no challange to it, and I, along with many others I am sure, sped right through the region.
7. Keep rock/ground type as first gym. Sure it may be repetitive for the fans who have played the games since gen 1. But this game is targeted at kids, and they want to make the newer fans enter the world of pokemon in a way that will be helpful in the long run. Rock and ground gyms are used for this purpose as they teach the new pokemon fans about the types and their strengths and weaknesses.
If pikachu is suppose to be the mascot of pokemon then it deserves a better evo. They should give it another evolution beside Raichu and ohh ya Evo Of gyrados would be cool
One thing i want to to FINALLY get rid of is the fact that you can't skip the credits once you beat the elite 4. Whenever you are trying to level up high leveled pokemon the e4 is the best place to go and if you have to see the boring, extremely long credits every time you beat the e4 then i might stop training my high leveled pokemon and just trade for high leveled pokemon on wifi.
x598 said:
One thing i want to to FINALLY get rid of is the fact that you can't skip the credits once you beat the elite 4. Whenever you are trying to level up high leveled pokemon the e4 is the best place to go and if you have to see the boring, extremely long credits every time you beat the e4 then i might stop training my high leveled pokemon and just trade for high leveled pokemon on wifi.

Um, you can just SR, you know? Once it saves you can reset and you'll be in your house.

I'd like the thing that Wii Will Rock U posted way back for HGSS. More specialized breeding sprites. Like the Gizamimi Pichu, things that are bred with other pokemon sometimes pick up characteristics from the other line. Like if you bred Pikachu with Skitty, you get a gizamimi pichu.

OR, if that's too complicated, at least different eggs. Manaphy got a unique egg sprite, so why not other lines? Even if it was just a different egg for each breeding group it would help some people out a lot. Like me, who picked up Fire Red after a year of not playing it and now have no idea what all is in the four boxes of eggs I have. O.O
I would like to see more variation in the Pokemon that you find in caves, water, trees etc.

It doesn't matter where, or even in what generation, you used the old rod. You always got magikarp. And the good- and super rod didn't offer a lot more variation... and don't get me started on geodude and zubat... The fields always have so much variation, but everything else is very obviously secondary. I would enjoy having more pokemon that can exclusively be caught by other means. And I would like them to differ in every route.

And having Pokemon follow you, like mentioned before. I really liked that feature in Soul Silver and Heart Gold.
Umm... a pre evo of Lapras. A steel version of Eevee? Also I want far more dual type pokemon in the gyms. No more evil leaders being eaten and then appearing again! Also it would help if the bad guys didn't tell you what they are gonna do.

Galactic Grunt: OK, I'm going to Lake Valor now. Don't you dare follow me!!!

I know this is for sure not going to be in Generation 5 but I would like to see a game where you can start out in any regon and when you are done there go on to other regions until eventually you become the champion of the world. that would be awesome! I would also lik to see a light type, new eeveelutions, be able to costumize your character, More pokemon being able to travel with the trainer, the pokemon being able to learn more than 4 moves, and the pokemon are able to follow you again. Another thing that wouldd be amazing is a 4th evolutionary state!!!! And more independent game play:D
pokemon follow you (like HGSS)
About a 150 new pokemon
Pal Park(please)
Character editing (clothes)
Good & bad story line (make choices)
2 regions(doubt it)
x598 said:
One thing i want to to FINALLY get rid of is the fact that you can't skip the credits once you beat the elite 4. Whenever you are trying to level up high leveled pokemon the e4 is the best place to go and if you have to see the boring, extremely long credits every time you beat the e4 then i might stop training my high leveled pokemon and just trade for high leveled pokemon on wifi.

... Start button?

I hope we see the return of automatic running like in HG/SS. And double registering items. I also hope that trading between other people is faster - the whole flying pokeball animation was cute the first 5 times but after that it takes way too damn long.

I really hope the Villain team has a good outfit. Heck, I'd be happy if they were just in business suits.. or lab coats - but we already sort of have trainers like that. Something more TR would be alright, even though the big R on the chest is sort of a bulls eye.
I would want a new type(soul)
new eeveloutions
LARGE region
and something new like a training mode where you can teach your pokemon new moves and upgrade on the old ones(like does more damage or highr pp)

Customizeable trainers
no new type
pokemon to follow you
random match which they have YES
Every Pokemon's cry in the games sounds better it makes it sound realistic. Like seriously, a pikachu always saying 'pika', or a syther saying 'scythe' or a piplup going 'pip pip'. An anime pokemon makes sounds like there names which makes NOOO SENSE!!!