BW/BW2 What's inside?

I'm hoping tomorrow... I want to come home from school to find new scans etc. If not then, probably the day after.
Ugh... 3 more days -.-, and even then I won't be expecting anything new/that matters. For me, last month's CoroCoro ruined its reputation. I'm not going to expect anything good this time. Also, this time I'll try and successfully eat my hat if the starters' evos DO come out. At least this month I can't really lose. -.-

EDIT: 300th post! :)
Given the times at which CoroCoro leaked before it would be around no earlier than this upcoming weekend, and given how often the leaks usually happen like that I'd say sometime this Friday or Saturday with the earliest being Friday. But then again given the timezones it could be tommorow night.
I am hoping to come home from school on Friday and find new scans, if not then I am hoping to wake up on Saturday or Sunday hoping for new scans, but as Timeshift said, last months coro coro didn't really live up to its expectations ¬_¬, I mean why name it the master document if there is nothing that major/new coming out. Oh well we havent seen that many new pokemon within the last month (only a handful of fakes though XD) so I hope there will be at least 2 brand new pokemon inside it.
Yeah I am at least hoping that we see about 2-3 new Pokemon revealed in this month's Corocoro Magazine. I was quite disappointed in last months Corocoro release. But I am hoping that they possibly have new information regarding the towns and some of the Pokemon. The more information they release the better it is for us.
I think that Corocoro will reveal the fight type plank pokemon (if it is real) and his evolutions.

(Off topic) Prepare for the storm! We will have loads of information from Friday to Tuesday. We may even know of all the pokemon by Wednesday.
I think they will reveal a few new pokemon, but not much. expectations low bcuz the last leak was rlly bad....
Well since we are getting closer to the Japanese release date, they might reveal some new Pokemon. It is September and the game comes out at the end. They probably won't reveal every information about the game yet, but hopefully they will reveal some information about the Pokemon or even new Pokemon. The only real way to find out is to wait and see what they do reveal. I just hope that they reveal some "new" information about the games.
I now think that Corocoro will reveal a lot. Maybe that was why last month's Corocoro was so...pathetic. Maybe Corocoro wanted to save it for now, right as the games are about to be released.
Maybe.... but coro coro needs to step it up and maybe provide a preview or something unexpected.
I agree with JacobeTheElf, I think it was a marketing ploy to have almost no new info revealed last month to have everybody talking about what could happen and have everyone start all these crazy rumors about what will happen and then hit everybody with a huge load of info right before the game release to have everyone's wallets open as they wait for the release.
thats a smart idea, but how much could they actually release as to not ruin the games?
Well Corocoro has been slacking, but they probably don't want to reveal too much since they want the players to experience the new features/new Pokemon themselves. We are eventually going to find out all the information that deals with the game and all the new Pokemon whenever the games comes out and the information is posted.
The games information will be ruined long before the games come out. With all the Black and White information after shows, during shows, magazines, and ROMs, there won't be much information left to be discovered!
See what i mean? They want people still to be interested, but they cant ruin the story, but eith so much info being leaked out of their control, they need to find the perfect balance without being boring, mayb that s what happened with the last coro coro.
^Yeah, maybe that is it. Corocoro isn't trying to reveal much, because they want us to discover everything on our own. But other sources don't want us to wait that long and reveal a ton of information.
I don't expect much from the new corocoro this month, but I do think that we will get 2-4 brand new pokemon! I also think we will get if not the image, but at the least a silhouette of the 8 gym leaders. We might get a short preview of what Team Plasma will be doing in the early stages of the game. We might see one of Aloe's pokemon as well. This is the most that I expect!
^Along with that, I think that they will show what type Aloe is and what pokemon Dento has (besides Yanappu).
Since it is basically confirmed that Dentos gym is a multitype, im very excited to see what Aloe has. I think the gyms with quizzes hav no specific type. and the ones with a puzzle have a specific type, i think thats how it will work this generation.