What's the most annoying to you ?

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1. Boredom (bleh)
2. Anime (I hate big eyed neon hair colored freaks)
3. Fangirls (KAWAII DESU)
4. Twilight (used to like it before it got annoying)
5. Puberty ( :| )
infmach said:
I hate English people, and...nothing else.(All english members:this is not personal.)

What do you have against us XD We did nothing. * drops bunny L_G is currently slicing*

I currently find putting about a million hints into something I'm saying and the person still not picking up the message.
Lickilicky_Guy said:
infmach said:
I hate English people, and...nothing else.(All english members:this is not personal.)

What do you have against us XD We did nothing. * drops bunny L_G is currently slicing*

I currently find putting about a million hints into something I'm saying and the person still not picking up the message.

I don't hate English people. Dude, just cuz they got an awesome accent, doesn't mean you should hate them.

I have found a new hatred:

Dumb people that think they are smart. Seriously, you've met one somewhere or other. They think they are so smart, yet in reality they are so dumb >.<
1. little brothers
2. Little sisters
3. People who tell you what to do
4. Elmo
5. Barny
6. People who scream all the time

Oh ya and like PokeChamp said: Dumb people who think they are smart
jboy said:
If they didn't create Bidoof then, in the very beginning of pokemon platinum who would be your HMer?

I don't have an HMer. The only Hmer I had was the one that would know Waterfall, Surf, and Dive. But now that dive isn't an Hm, meh.

Most annoying = bad judges. (you wouldn't believe some of the experiences I've had w/ my friends)
Oh, and Twilight series too.
The Power of Three said:
penny power said:
Bobblehead said:
1. Disney (It has become less: 'magic for the whole family', and more: 'magic for bratty 8 year-old girls')
2. Jocks
3. Laugh Tracks
4. Donald Duck's voice
5. Waluigi not being in SSBB
6. The Jonas Brothers
7. Miley Cyrus
8. George Bush
9. Stephen Haurpor (look it up!)
10. Bidoof (Stupidest Pokemon Ever!!!!)
11. Garfield (the comic)
12. Ewoks
13. Bullies
14. Quatchi (look it up!)
15. Math
16. Science
17. Burnt Marshmellows
18. Barney the dinosaur
19. London Tipton
20. Jerks
21. PMJ
22. Cheaters.

I could do this all night...
Part of this I agree with, but I have a problem with a couple of those!
10. Come on! Bidoofs are cute, and you don't have to use them!
12. Ewoks are cute too!

Ewoks aren't cute... they're just AMAZING!
OK, this guy is right... Bidoof stinks.
But...bidoof is a baby...:(
Lickilicky_Guy said:
infmach said:
I hate English people, and...nothing else.(All english members:this is not personal.)

What do you have against us XD We did nothing. * drops bunny L_G is currently slicing*

I hate you, because you took our land, you took one spot in our map.You fought against 18 year old soldiers, who never knew the south cold.That is what you have done.I personally don´t hate you, I generally hate you.

PokeChamp said:
I don't hate English people. Dude, just cuz they got an awesome accent, doesn't mean you should hate them.

I have found a new hatred:

Dumb people that think they are smart. Seriously, you've met one somewhere or other. They think they are so smart, yet in reality they are so dumb >.<

We can only hate them!
Come on English people are loving and caring, what do ya mean we took over your country? Well anyway isn't that a good thing :p Think about what it would be like if England DIDN't take over your country.

Dock, we have brilliant accents, well not the chavs anyway... :p
ElementalChomp9999 said:
Soul Seeker said:
Pokerface - The MOST ANNOYING song in Tv >.>

Wow, Pokerface.

I don't think it's that disturbing as disturbia.

They're noth pretty anoyning^^

Hmm..Rihanna and Lady GaGa are annoying so so RiGaHaGa would be the most annoying thing in the world =P
Dark Marc said:
Come on English people are loving and caring, what do ya mean we took over your country? Well anyway isn't that a good thing :p Think about what it would be like if England DIDN't take over your country.

Dock, we have brilliant accents, well not the chavs anyway... :p

Does Malvinas sound you? I just said an land.
penny power said:
The Power of Three said:
penny power said:
Bobblehead said:
1. Disney (It has become less: 'magic for the whole family', and more: 'magic for bratty 8 year-old girls')
2. Jocks
3. Laugh Tracks
4. Donald Duck's voice
5. Waluigi not being in SSBB
6. The Jonas Brothers
7. Miley Cyrus
8. George Bush
9. Stephen Haurpor (look it up!)
10. Bidoof (Stupidest Pokemon Ever!!!!)
11. Garfield (the comic)
12. Ewoks
13. Bullies
14. Quatchi (look it up!)
15. Math
16. Science
17. Burnt Marshmellows
18. Barney the dinosaur
19. London Tipton
20. Jerks
21. PMJ
22. Cheaters.

I could do this all night...
Part of this I agree with, but I have a problem with a couple of those!
10. Come on! Bidoofs are cute, and you don't have to use them!
12. Ewoks are cute too!

Ewoks aren't cute... they're just AMAZING!
OK, this guy is right... Bidoof stinks.
But...bidoof is a baby...:(

Bidoof serves 2 purposes:
1. Breaks all ur Shinx Chainz
2. Target Practice...
Soul Seeker said:
Arceus/Charizard said:
Soul Seeker said:
Pokerface - The MOST ANNOYING song in Tv >.>

How can anyone love this song ?xD

I actually really got into it when I heard it on the radio for the first time. It's got a surprisingly good beat. On T.V., I should never watch her sing it, ever again. 0_o I can't see her ugly face on the radio. :]

To add on before, I hate loudmouths.

dmaster out.
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