What's the point in traditional holos now?


You want a piece of me?
Aren't they a little obsolete in the EX landscape? They're not worth anything anymore because the ex's, full arts, and other ultra rares took their price place. And now that there are reverse holos in every pack, sometimes the everse holo of a card is worth slightly more than the traditional holo. But it's still very rare a traditional holo card goes beyond being worth about $2.
Anything released in the new sets has their valued determined primarily by playability. Some cards, however, are worth more simply because they are rare, but not always. Take a look at Meowth NV for example. The card is very difficult to pull and only worth $3-4. Retailers like TnT drive down the price of holo rares because they are undercutting everyone else on the market. Older holo rares are worth more mostly due to rarity: something that the newer holos don't have whatsoever.
What do you have against collectors? They enjoy (and sometimes despise) these afformentioned holos
What I never understood were the reverse holo's from some of the old EX sets. They looked exactly like the traditional holo's except for a different pattern. Any card could have them for that matter. They weren't really "reverse" holographic since the foil appeared on the picture like any other traditional holo lol
evilpacman said:
What I never understood were the reverse holo's from some of the old EX sets. They looked exactly like the traditional holo's except for a different pattern. Any card could have them for that matter. They weren't really "reverse" holographic since the foil appeared on the picture like any other traditional holo lol

Oh lord, and the awful stamp on them! Like Deoxys.
kfitch06 said:
Oh lord, and the awful stamp on them! Like Deoxys.

I dont think the cards look bad with the holo treatment, but I do think the stamp looks odd haha
I think the old ex series of the RH design being basically a holo was the best. I would kill to bring that back. The stamp was, indeed, unnecessary but to be able to basically have a "holo" for any card, common, or uc, was amazing.
SheNinja said:
What do you have against collectors? They enjoy (and sometimes despise) these afformentioned holos

I don't think anyone has a thing against collectors. Its just that the collector market for newer cards is very small compared to the player base. Most holos that you will pull out of packs, the majority of the playerbase will consider next to worthless, while a playable uncommon (Ultra Ball and Rare Candy come to mind) are worth 2-3 times those holos due to playability. The demand for an Ultra Ball is much higher than that of a BCR Serperior holo, so the price is higher. If Quad Serperior was BDIF, I can guarantee it would be at least a 10 dollar card. Its all based on demand.
I loved Legend Maker reverse holos. The stamp was a small flaw if it made every card holo. I hated the Deoxys reverses and Sandstorm ones. I'm always bummed when I pull a holo cause I don't like the whole flashy lines holo I miss the galaxy foils. But this suits the CG cards more.

However most the times I just sell it on eBay for .99 cents... And lose 20-30% to fees... Some holos sell really well depending if they have useful abilities. Otherwise they're worth less than a buck. Even more pointless are the rare cards. Some are getting better though.
Hey, if you're going to complain about the regular holos, why not complain about the crap non-holo rares first? :p

I don't really think holos have anything to do with collectors or playability. It's just marketing. I don't have any English booster packaging around, but don't they still have that "1:3 chance at a premium card!" or whatever text on it? The same with the "guaranteed holo" text referring to the RHs. And there's still a lot of Pokémon marking that's aimed towards kids, and kids love shiny things.

Holos have lost a lot of their value, but I think that's more due to supersaturation of the market more than anything else. Recent sets have huge print runs, and there's a lot of competition in reselling cards, especially since everyone and their grandmother can sell stuff via Ebay. The cards are "rare" but they're not rare in any real sense of the word. Though, it is true that cards that are useful for competitive play get more expensive because there's a larger demand. I don't know for sure, but I would be willing to guess that players are more likely to buy singles than booster boxes to get the cards they want (discounting winning packs at tournies), driving those prices higher.