What's The Worst That Could Happen?

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Seven days...
You post a situation, and the next poster describes a witty and creative worst-case-scenario outcome, then posts a new situation, and so on.

All Forum and "Forum Games & More" rules apply.
This game is YPPY.
No more than one fatal outcome in a single 5-post window.

P1: I punch a dolphin, what's the worst that could happen?
P2: The dolphin gets mad and summons an army of amphibious sharks to pursue you until the day you die, whether or not your death was caused by the amphibious sharks.
I catch a Pikachu, what's the worst that could happen?
P3: The Pikachu ends up being lethargic, allowing itself to become beaten to a pulp in every battle and inspiring the rest of your team to act likewise.

I'll start by creating this thread. What's the worst that could happen?
This is an alright idea, and I think it deserves a try. Let's not allow this to become offensive, alright? Because Azelf Master was caught up in formulating a "clever" response and did not follow the game's guidelines by posting a new situation, I'll start.

- The thread is given a shot, and it proves to be fun for a few posts. However, members begin posting -horrible- one-line responses, breaking the YPPY rule, and flaming others through situations!! Oh no!! The thread is swifty locked and falls into oblivion, adding to the heaping pile of -useless memory- on the forum! The extra waste this game contributes causes Pokebeach forums to collapse from holding on to too much data. The Pokemon company sees fan sites dying and decides that it's time for Pokemon to end forever!! Millions lose faith. (Don't let this happen.)

I go back in time and terminate the creation of Arceus. What's the worst that could happen?
The game explodes and you lose your progress.

I catch a shiny Pidove. What's the worst that could happen?
it turns out to be an insane pidove that ever since birth has been out to destroy the world. he takes 4 pokeballs 3 full restores and revive and makes a super bomb and blows up the poke world...nice one .-.

i finally hatch a shiny venipede. whats the worst that could happen
The game crashes and you can never access that save file again.

I win Worlds. What's the worst that could happen?
The worlds explode and you die.

I caught a shiny Magickarp. What's the worst that could happen?
The Magikarp is actually just a regular one, painted gold. There is lead in the paint, and you have to go to the hospital. There, you are roomed with a Cancer patient. The Cancer cells randomly fly over to you and get you infected. Luckily, the doctors find it, and cure it. However, the treatment gives you radiation poisoning. Then, because of the radiation, you become a mindless zombie, infecting others with your radiation and disease. Because of you, then, the entire world becomes zombies.

I decided to watch My Little Pony. What's the worst that could happen? (Entertain me =P )
Remember that Cupcakes fic? That >:D

I don't think SnivyLover even knows what Worlds is, so I'll ask again. Whats the worst that could happen after I win Worlds?
A wormhole is created that destroys all of the Pokemon and all of the Trading Card Games Ever created, thus, it also takes the TPCI and you completely ruined the TCG future and present.

I decide to get a dog, What's the worst that could happen?
The dog turns out to be a hairless mexican rat with rabies and it bites you.

I go out with a ginger, what's the worst that could happen?
Alright guys, just posting to say that you need to be a little more creative. (think Decmaster's post, although that was a bit gruesome) If the posts get to be too general, this will turn into the 'Corrupt-A-Wish' game, so let's see some effort!

Please continue playing, from the above post.
The fruit fails to repel your neighborhood vampire. He bites you and sucks you dry.

I eat a pound of wasabi paste. WTWTCH?
the fact that you could have had a V8 makes you go insane...and you are committed :D

i EV train a dunsparce :D
The dunsparce becomes all powerful and wins you tons of matches. however, over time the dunsparce sees that you need it more than it needs you. It then over powers you and becomes YOUR trainer. You are forced to battle pokemon at the dunsparce's command. But, alas, you are human and only know tackle, scratch, bite, and pound. You lose almost every match and you are banished to the Dunsparce's PC, forgotten, with only a Bidoof for company.

I play mine craft all night....
You wake up in the morning with hallucenations that the Minecraft world is real. You start to chop a tree with your hand, but you break it lol

I get my Eagle for Boy Scouts...
The eagle is actualy alive and kills you and your scouts.

A dog covered in ketchup runs around town.
the dog runs into a wall repeatedly because the ketchup got in its eyes. people begin to laugh at this dog and give it a TV show called Sr. Cat Steve. he becomes the greatest TV star of all time and OD one day on kibble...

i play HG
Other dogs are attracted to the ketchup and chase the dog trying to eat it. Soon the town had a stampede of hungry dogs charging the streets. Unlucky passer-bys are trampled by the horde. The US army is called in and tries to take out the Ketchup Dog. With an airstrike. 1/4 of the city is instantly vaporized by the attack. And they missed...

EDIT: Ninja'd!
You play HG (heart gold?) and train your team to be perfect. You get to the Champion of the Elite 4, ready to dominate. But then you realize that the Champion is YOU! What kind of twisted reality is this?! You wonder. You both send out your pokemon and you realize that the 'other you' has the same team, but stronger! You are doomed! So, you turn off the game and cry yourself to sleep.

I start flaming dmaster...
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