Once you beat Platnium, you feel so happy. "I did it!" you shout, feeling so accomplished. After that you start going through the internet, looking for ways to beat other Pokemon games, when you notice a video game rental site. You create an account and start browsing for any video games that you may like. You see it. Pokemon Grey Version. "But it isn't even out yet..." you mutter to yourself, not hesitating to rent it.
A week later it arrives. You run to the mailbox and rip it open. There it is. You pop it into your DS and start it up. You smile as you see Kyruem fly across the screen. Press Start. Time to select your Starter Pokemon...
A week later, done. You beat Pokemon Grey. You put it back into the mail, sending it back to the rental site. You then go back onto the computer, checking for anything new. There it is, the Pokemon Ruby Version remake. You rent it.
A week later it comes in the mail. Another week later you beat it. You put it back into the mail, checking the site again. The first 6th Gen game is there. You rent it.
A week later it comes in the mail, a week later you beat it. You put it back into the mail and rent the next 6th Gen game.
A week later it came in the mail, a week later you beat it. You put it back into the mail, checking the site again, there it is...
It takes up to the 8th Gen until you realise that you are stuck in a huge loop, forced to play Pokemon games for the rest of your life, all because you beat Platnium...
I cut down a tree, WTWTCH?