What's ur highest damage ever done is your life?

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400... I used Lugia ex to kill a Flygon ex... Buhuhu... *sob* I didin't mean to kill you...
Close to 500, I think. I can't remember completely, but it was back in the day when the TCG was pretty new and there weren't many sets out yet. I played a Venusaur-Exeggutor combo against a Gyarados.

Ah, I loved that combo.
And the one with Chansey, Mr. Mime, Scoop Up, and Alakazam. Such a haymaker.
wow, mine was 480 damage after applying weakness with the Magneton from Ex Dragon. Magnetic Force 10x for each energy attach to all of your pokemon. I had all 24 energy in play and the defending pokemon's weakness is lightning.
I think there was.....yes i did had and there was a strength charm or solid rage i think.
he was my last pokemon and i had only one prize card so there were so many energies attached to him.i wasted the energies!:D
I have had a possible 1040 damage but only ended up doing 600 damaged.

Exeggutor (FRLG) 26 Energy FTW!!!
I have a couple.
One time with Geodude in the old sets in remebmer I was next to a kid that flip 26 heads in a row against a poor Eevee. The probablities are that next to finding the person who stole you identity. 520 damage!!!
One time a say a Kid with a Magikarp d against a Glalie[EM] that did 120 damage.
Most I've ever seen done is probably that is the most used is lugia ex for 400.
Dark Slowking (TRR) with 1 Darkness, attach strength charm and discard 2 Poketool for damage Gengar EX and do quadruple weakness.
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