What's with Sableye?


I know he's a great card, he starts the game and sets you up and is a great mid-game finisher, think Absol. Yet, lots of decks seem to be running him, but it would seem to me he's almost like a free prize. Sure he can go off 2 times and that gives advantage, but really some times its just not enough. Maybe it's just me or is Sableye just being tossed into every deck? I am waiting for someone to toss him in a Torterra deck, but then there would be problems with so much pokemon in that deck.

You know what I haven't seen in a while, Furret. I know he's a stage one, but he's really good. I kinda wish he saw more play.
I love Sableye and I love Furret. I agree that Furret isnt used enough anymore, because he is by far the best for heavy setup decks. I still run him in my garchomp and its like a 20% chance of T1 furret and like 85% for T2 its amazing. Sableye is also quite good for medium to heavy setup ducks but is also quick. I run him in my T2 Gigas deck and in my TTar deck.
I definitely will not be using him in any of my decks. Me going automatically first if I lose the flip means my opponent could get a T1 Machamp, etc. I also prefer to not even use starters much anymore. He is a great card, but I think there are better starters than him, such as Farfetch'd SF.
Oh wow I never really thought about the T1 Machamp I feel really stupid. Sableye really makes that common. Thanks for giving me that realization haha!
That what I love about him You have the choice of donking or setting up, but against 60 hp Machop->T1 Machamp=FAIL
ericmeckley said:
That what I love about him You have the choice of donking or setting up, but against 60 hp Machop->T1 Machamp=FAIL

It doesn`t have to be, you can put him plus power :p
vrapceboy said:
ericmeckley said:
That what I love about him You have the choice of donking or setting up, but against 60 hp Machop->T1 Machamp=FAIL

It doesn`t have to be, you can put him plus power :p

...but it would only do 30 damage with plus power, because it would do 10 from the attack (machops hp is not lower than sableye's) then another 10 for the special dark then another 10 for the plus power. :( I wish it would be an auto-donk though but then everyone would use him.
Sableye's rashness is something to take note of. Being able to go first while being able to "use" a supporter is wicked.
Mhmm but with Machamp decks so popular I'm really scared to use him. However he will always be in my T2 Gigas deck and I guess my TTar because it loses to Machamp anyway.
If you like Sableye but are afraid to use him in a Machamp environment, just wait for Machamp to die down. Big Metagame decks lose their thunder after a while, starters fit in almost everywhere.
I guess I shouldnt be scared to because both of the decks that I have him in are like autoloss to Machamp anyway lol
Zyflair said:
Sableye's rashness is something to take note of. Being able to go first while being able to "use" a supporter is wicked.

But in return, you're giving your opponent the ability to use trainers on their first turn too. That increases the donk rate. The only good thing about Sableye is that if you play a Stage 1 deck then you can get all of those setup T2.
You guys totally forgot about T1 wager with Sableye. If you win it really destroys your opponents set up, but if you lose, well then you most likely lose. None-the-less a T1 wager really is disrupting.

Down side is that in my meta I know for a fact that there is going to be a few Kingdra and maybe 1 or 2 Machamps. T1 Kingdra/Machamp seems to go off 30% of the time, but when it goes off it's also game breaking.

I think Sableyes good, but it has to be played in sets of 4. Well they don't have to be in sets of 4, but you really want to draw them. Also, whats kinda cool is they work mid game as sacrificial lambs.
ericmeckley said:
Mhmm but with Machamp decks so popular I'm really scared to use him. However he will always be in my T2 Gigas deck and I guess my TTar because it loses to Machamp anyway.
It doesn't auto-lose. What T-Tar deck are you playing?

DawnOfXatu said:
Zyflair said:
Sableye's rashness is something to take note of. Being able to go first while being able to "use" a supporter is wicked.

But in return, you're giving your opponent the ability to use trainers on their first turn too. That increases the donk rate. The only good thing about Sableye is that if you play a Stage 1 deck then you can get all of those setup T2.

Yeah, I noticed how your Infernape SF deck revolves around using the best start against Sableye. I think Sableye is better used as setup artist for Stage 2s as well, considering you can build the back as well. I don't mind if they donk me, especially if it was done using trainers, because they wasted cards just to face a simple Pokemon that could've been KOd the turn after.
As much as I appreciate sableye, it is not for the T1 wager. If your opponant has a horsea or machop on the bench waiting for the T1 donk, and they shuffle their hand into their deck they would have 4 rare candies and 4 stage 2 donkers in their deck. That leaves about a 98% chance of them drawing a candy and a stage 2 donker if they win the wager! If they lose it is only a 3% chance but do you really want to run that risk?

If you dont believe me I will gladly do the math for you.
Please do the math...

Since you are shuffling your hand into your deck the chances should be quite a bit less.
You start with 7 cards, and one is a basic. I TGW you and you have 6 cards then...
98%? I'd be running Kingdra then...
say you have your 6 prizes and 2 basics out. That leaves 52 cards in your deck. Assuming that you have no candies or Stage 2 donks prized that leaves 4 of each in your 52 card deck. If you win the Wager you would draw six cards. To find the probability of drawing 1 of each you would use the formula...4C1 x 4C1 x 44C4 / 52C6 = about .98. Now I will explain the formula... The first 4C1 represents 4 rare candies in deck and choosing one of them. The second 4C1 represents 4 stage two donks in the deck choosing 1 of them. The 44C4 represents the remainder of the cards in the deck and choosing 4 of them. All of this gets divided by 52C6 which is your deck choosing 6 cards.
It would actually be, assuming he only has machop/horsea on the field and running 4 of the stage 2, 8 out of 43 chance of getting a candy or a stage 2, assuming none are in the prizes. Meaning 18.60 chance of getting one of those cards and well after that it's like another 9 percent of getting the next card, and it wouldn't have to be the one you need. So chances of getting the cards are rather slim.