BW/BW2 Whats your B/W playtime?

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Feebas Bait
Just post how long you have played your copy of B/W.

as of 9:56 GMT I have played Black for 37 hours 4 minutes. (I got my copy on the 4th because I live in the UK)
As of 5:00 EST, I have: 5 hours and 30 minutes, and still dont have 2 badges :p
A beautiful time of 6:42 with 4 Gym Leaders down. Not that bad for basically half done with it.

dmaster out.
At the third gym, sitting at 6:46, and only 25 caught. I'm having a blast, but trying not to rush through. I need to catch a few more, though, and level up, as I am pathetically weak at the moment.
Time of 8:54 about to face the seventh gym leader. I'm taking a break. ;p
3:35 as of now and going slow. At pinwheel forest, didn't even beat Lenora yet but I need to train and work with the C-Gear more. Spen at least an hour trying to catch Throh. I thought Sawk was exclusive to white? I wanted Sawk.
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