What's your favorite Pokémon?

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Silhouette Gloom of the Sundown Lands
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A new option has been added to everyone's profiles to enter your favorite Pokemon. This post was a lot longer but it's all useless so now it's deleted.

Questions, comments, eternal praise? All go here. :D
... wouldn't you think it would be easier if it was organized alphabetically?
Oh yeah. Zyflair saved me like ten hours so y'all can praise him too
Oh man, I wanted Unown Q :/

I know all the pokemon numerically, I don't see it as a big deal though
The Fallen One said:
I don't. But you can just click on the box and type in the name so that works too.

errbody pay attention to dis
Guys...this thread isn't to say what your favorite pokemon is. It's to show off a new function PMJ added to our profiles. Learn to read the topic people.
I think we should have the option to have more than one favorite pokemon (maybe top 5 or something) I put mine for now, but I'd rather have at least 2 in, also, I think 5th gen pokemon should be added
jirachinick said:
I think we should have the option to have more than one favorite pokemon (maybe top 5 or something) I put mine for now, but I'd rather have at least 2 in, also, I think 5th gen pokemon should be added

Do we really need to add multiple Pokemon? Really, one Pokemon is good enough.
The Fallen One said:
Guys...this thread isn't to say what your favorite pokemon is. It's to show off a new function PMJ added to our profiles. Learn to read the topic people.
Next person to do so will indeed get a warn for spam.
jirachinick said:
I think we should have the option to have more than one favorite pokemon (maybe top 5 or something) I put mine for now, but I'd rather have at least 2 in, also, I think 5th gen pokemon should be added

They're not even all released yet. :F That would be pointless to add 5th Gen right now (or at least more pointless lol).

dmaster out.
dmaster said:
They're not even all released yet. :F That would be pointless to add 5th Gen right now (or at least more pointless lol).

dmaster out.

It would be extremely pointless, especially now that we're getting to the point that Pokemon are being revealed left and right, plus we don't know their numerical order.

Ontopic: This isn't such a bad idea. I think its a fun little thing to add to your profile ^_^

Meh. At the end of the day, haterz gun hate :3
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