What's your favorite Pokémon?

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Why does it matter if it is a "stupid" or "pointless" feature? It is just meant for the users' enjoyment, and causes no harm to the forum. I like features such as these anyway.
lol nice thread title.

Lol PMJ why were you wasting your time you could have done something more useful... But anyway since it's done at least add a stupid option for the sake of laughs.
I like the fact that it is in National Pokedex order, but I was thinking that maybe some people would find it easier if you included the National Dex number next to each pokemon, so that people won't have to keep looking for a certain pokemon in the list. Just a suggestion, not that it has to be done. :)
Thanks to Zyflair this took like 5 minutes. Literally. It's not like I wasted like like 50 man hours on this grueling project only to have a bunch of people shoot it down.

Yes you could have this information in your bio. You could also have your gender, your friend code, your location, everything else in your bio too, but no. It's just something neat I thought you guys would like (plus it removes all reason for those "what's your favorite pokmeon?" threads, advantage PMJ)

I thought about having the numbers listed, but doing it this way saved a whole lot of time (which is why I had this up and running in like 5 minutes).

No one is under any obligation to make use of this new feature. If you want to, fine. If you don't, that's cool, too. Like I said, this was a nearly effortless addition, so I won't be offended if you guys choose not to take advantage of it.
rockinpikachu said:
think instead o just being in your profile. It should also be under our post count!

No. If we're going to do that then just bring the experience bar back to the forums.

I still think it's dumb how I can't remove my nature/type in my profile because I think that was an unnecessary addition anyway, but whatever. I won't use this, I don't really think it's practical, useful, or adds any flavor to one's profile, but that's me. I'm allowed to have an opinion, jesus.
Gale said:
No. If we're going to do that then just bring the experience bar back to the forums.

I still think it's dumb how I can't remove my nature/type in my profile because I think that was an unnecessary addition anyway, but whatever. I won't use this, I don't really think it's practical, useful, or adds any flavor to one's profile, but that's me. I'm allowed to have an opinion, jesus.

Ok well sorry if I somehow made u mad?
NVM it's nice PMJ that u added that!
The second portion of that post wasn't even directed towards you. It was directed towards the people who think this benefits the forums.
Well I guess that it kinda looks cluttered in ones profile, if a person has many words added to his/her profile, then it might seem cluttered.

Though overall I don't mind about this being added to the profile.
Gale said:
The second portion of that post wasn't even directed towards you. It was directed towards the people who think this benefits the forums.
It obviously doesn't benefit the forums, but like PMJ said, it only took him a minute to add the feature. So who cares?
Are you guys seriously fighting over this? Really? Does it matter THAT MUCH?? If you think it's stupid fine, but flaming needs to end.
Anyway, unless a quarter of the forum has a problem with the new feature, it's here to stay.
Someone approached me with a problem. He claimed that he was forced to select a favorite Pokemon upon editing his profile, and did not want to have one listed. He asked me to put a blank into the selection, and I tried that. It didn't work.

So I was like hmmmmm how can I fix this? Then it hit me. Real easy fix, really.

Instead of a select box, it's now a text box, which means that not only can you have it blank, but you can write anything you want. If you wanna have like 5 Pokemon listed, by all means, go for it. Want those stupid Japanese names of the gen 5 dudes in there? Go ahead and misspell 'em all you want. If you want to totally crap on the spirit of the profile and put SDLGHKASLDGKHALSHELTIAHSEIOSHLDKH in there, then you can do that, too.

Basically, this should make everybody happy. Good, yes?
This is a pretty nifty feature.

Anyone who has any complaint whatsoever is whining for the sake of whining.

Good job guys.
PMJ said:
Want those stupid Japanese names of the gen 5 dudes in there? Go ahead and misspell 'em all you want.

Man, way too many people do this. Thanks PMJ and Zyflair, this is a nifty li'l thing that I think goes a long way.
I saw this thread and wondered why a mod would make a favorites thread. I had to check it out. Glad I did, I wouldn't have noticed this feature for a while. I think its a nice addition, good job!
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