What's Your Favorite Type of Dessert?

This is an interesting topic for me because I don't actually like dessert very much, and I usually skip it when I eat out. Realistically this is just because I don't like sweet upon sweet, which is what most dessert seems to be. When I make desert I always have to balance it out with other flavours. The dessert I have the most is waffles soaked in honey with chilli-lemon ice cream and burned dark chocolate sauce over the top. It sounds like a disaster, but actually all of the flavour balance out excellently IMO! :p

Admittedly I haven't actually tried out a huge number of "classic" desserts because of my general distaste for them, so maybe I actually am depriving myself of some amazing dishes in the future. I quite like some tiramisu because it's got the bite of coffee and alcohol, but it seems like a lot of chefs are stingy with those two elements </3.
I love sooooo many kinds of dessert, I could go a whole week listing them off!! :p Since I cannot make a post that long, I will list my top five, which are pumpkin pie, lemon meringue pie, brownies, Turkish Delight (haven't had it in years, but I still remember that OH SO DELICIOUS taste in my mouth), and... cake, of almost any kind, honestly does not matter at all. As long as it is moist, and not too dry. Geez, now my stomach is rumbling...:oops:
I am Turkish so I have like ton of Turkis Delight
As a desert (and baking) lover, I can say I love
  • Lava Cakes
  • Cream Puffs (I write as they are currently in the oven)
  • Sorbet
  • Most High-ish End, Complex Desserts
Overall though, my favorite dessert is a freshly baked lava cake with a tart, fruity sauce
i like all dessert! :p

though if i ever have to pick one, i like ice cream that's just only a bit slightly melted so it's still cold and has that really soft creamy texture to it

aw god i feel like getting a cornetto right now or something...
Hm. Well, as I've read through all the entries in this thread, I've been tryin' to figure out what my favourite dessert is. It really all depends on the meal that proceeded it, I guess? I seldom actually eat dessert, as I don't tend to have room/money for more food. I guess I'll make a list?

  • Strawberry ice cream. A nice, simple dessert. A rare treat, though, as I'm lactose intolerant.
  • Popcorn. Sometimes life just needs a little pop!
  • Chocolate bar. Sometimes a nice little treat is in order.
  • My Grammie's Chocolate Tea Cake. A cake made with chocolate and tea that my Grammie used to make. Haven't had it since a few years before she passed away. I should find the recipe and recreate it...
  • Anything caramel flavoured. I adore caramel.
  • Flavoured coffee. Sometimes, the best dessert is a nice cup of relaxing coffee; especially if good friends are involved.
  • Pumpkin, Apple, or Pecan pie. Mmmm, pie.