Pokemon What's your pet pokemon?

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Suicune. I would like him because he's fast on land, can swim and freeze stuff (-for lack of a better word) (isn't it weird that most water pokemon can use ice attacks but not vise versa?).
Well, anyone who knows me knows my favourite Pokemon.

And I'm not exactly going to have a Human Shape Pokemon for a pet, now am I?

So I'd really like Arcanine. He sort of be a horse-dog who can brwath bfire. Is that not reason enough? :p
Probably one of three:

Chansey just because I'm pretty much in love with it,
Gengar because he could follow me around and fly me places,
or Deoxys because I like him too and he allso has the ability of telekinesis.


ChanseyMaster said:
Chansey just because I'm pretty much in love with it
Good lord! I'm a Chansey shipper! Aggh! No, Chansey just owns.

[ChanseyMaster...For real this time]
i would have to say smoochum cuz i think they r cool and an arcanine cuz they are warm and a mightyena cuz theyre cool and a delcatty cuz they are cool and an UMBREON but i dont need to wish for one of those cuz i have one that feasts on n00bs but id want one cuz they are the coolest pokemon ever created
A Mewtwo for its great and agressive personality or Azumarill because he is my favorite Pokémon and is soo cute and awesome.
I'd like a pikachu, so we can become best friends, journey alot, not evolve him, and become a pokemon master!
instead of pet i rather have 1 as a friend and i don't think i even need to say out who is it
he's the pokemon's wiseman and it be great if i could learn every single skill he has "teleport,psychic" :p
Mine would definitely be a Jigglypuff. Then anyone that annoyed me could be put to sleep and colored on. Not to mention no more trouble going to sleep at night.
I hope its not to late to revive this thread!

Anyway, I'd have a Pichu, a Weavile, or a Sceptile.
Smeargle, I'd say.
Aside from the fact that it looks cool, can basicaly learn any attack, but it's also a swiss army knife of usefulness!

& it's a dog. Dogs rule.
A Charizard or Feraligatr, Can't decide. And my least favourite is Swablu or Altaria.(no offence to beutiful-swablu)
I'd BY FAR have an Espeon. Aahh.... the purplyness is great on Espeon and it is sooo cute. It can also use his psychic powers to control people! Man, that comes out wrong from a guy! LOL. If I had two other choices, I'd have a Latios and a Machamp. Latios can fly me around places and he can turn invisible and stuff. Machamp can help my dad around the house!! Machamp can be so muscular which will help me attract chicks!! JK.
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