What's your premier rating

Vulpix Yolk

\ \ durant gang \ \
So I was just curious to see premier ratings and thought it would be a good chance for people to brag and less creepy than "what's your social security number"
...that's means you have a losing record.


I didn't have time to test for cities...
1636.44, OH seniors is so hard(we have 5 guys prolly going to worlds this year), one whose been to worlds like 4 years in a row and another who got second at nats last year...
Yeah, it is hard(for the others) mine is 1708.55, but I have a 3-1 tourney coming, because our TO messed something up...
Just because your rating is below 1600 doesn't mean you have a 'losing record' does it? Mine is only 1588.36, but I only started playing TCG just before Platinum: Arceus came out. I've played eight matches, won four and lost four.
It means that that people you lost to had lower premier ratings then you so it takes more off your rating if you beat someone with a high one than you it adds more.
piplup234 said:
Yeah, it is hard(for the others) mine is 1708.55, but I have a 3-1 tourney coming, because our TO messed something up...
discounting me...
Yeah I've also have to agree w/ gengar I've lost 4 matches to dead draws....

Considering Cities were just after when I started playing again and I've done most of this with little to no card pool, I'd say I'm doing pretty well. I keep getting some crazy matchups though and that's kicking my rating around like nuts.
OMG i posted this thread like an hour ago man it is doing well, in case you didn't see my signature my is 1614.79 I hope to raise it at States a lot, also what are you guys ranked seriously? I'm 233 in america in the seniors.
I'm in Southeastern PA and my rating is 1619.9. I am ranked 19th overall in PA and 10th in Masters. I am pretty pleased with my performance so far, especially since I only started playing Pokemon about 4 months ago.
right now 1604.09 and ranked 321st in the nation

1623.83 im ranked 14th in florida where pokemon is hard core!! :D

ps.im in seinors
that's with a pretty weak Cities showing, only played 4, and tanked hard in one.

279th in NA, I'll be top 200 after States I'd hope.