DPPt/HGSS What's Your "Shiny Moment"?


Hey everyone. I think I am playing pokemon handheld since 1999 and leaving 1st gen behind, IN MY THOUSANDS OF HOURS OF PLAY TIME AND MILLIONS OF WILD POKEMON I ENCOUNTERED, I never had one single shiny pokemon except red gyarados...

Please! here share your "Shiny Moment" and make me jealous! also, state any tips you have belief in, or places, or things to do to have a shiny pokemon.

And if you have any spare ones that you are willing to trade for non shinies, tell me..I'm just sayin'.. =)

have fun!
This is one of my shiny moments I quoted it from another thread.
Afro-G said:
I don't remember much about it and it wasn't very long but lets just say I saw a shiny Graveler and I tried to catch it one or two turns later Graveler went BOOM!:(
I don't remember these much either but I caught a shiny Geodude in Crystal, a shiny Tangela in Crystal, a shiny oddish in Emerald and of course I have caught shiny Gyarados lots of times.
I did'nt even know it was shiny, I just decided to catch the Seedot I found in my Ruby, and months later, I noticed I had a shiny in my PC :D
First shiny moment before I knew shinies existed(NO LIE!): When I first got my Ruby Version, I started out as Treecko, and it SPARKLED and I was like Ohhhweee it's a GIRL!!!! Then a month later my cousin was surprised and told me it is shiny.

2nd moment, Kadrabra in FireRed. Oh yeah! Oh yeah! ITS SHINEYYYY!!!!

3rd and beyond all Pokes: Oh yeah.. Another shiny:) Thank you action replay<3
1st Time - Lake of Rage Gyarados - Gold
2nd Time - Lake of Rage Gyarados - Crystal
3rd Time - Shiny Noctowl - Crystal
4th Time - Shiny Spinarak - Crystal
5th Time - Shiny Magikarp - Ruby

All luck, except for LoR Dos'.
My first shiny was a bidoof that I encountered after a few miutes of messing around with the pokeradar. And I have still never caught a 1/8192 shiny either...
my first shiny was a poochyenna i was so susprised but then i started a new game for some reason lol

I found a shiny Electrike in Sapphire. [blue ftw.] Then, after I traded it over to Emerald, I started a new game, and found ANOTHER shiny Electrike on the SAME EXACT TILE as the first time. O_O

The first shiny I saw, however, was a Seaking in the safari zone on Fire Red. It got away, though. >:[
Shiny Gyarados in Silver and Crystal Version
Shiny Ponyta in Silver Version
Shiny Magnemite in Ruby Version
Shiny Rhydon in Diamond Version (Now a Rhyperior on my SS team.)
Shiny Eevee in Diamond Version (Now a Espeon on my SS team.)
Shiny Raticate in SoulSilver Version

There may have been more but I don't remember at the moment.
That Graveler was so bad... well I keep looking for shinies but no luck.. 1/8192 is a really small chance imo. I am in a condition that if I see a lv.2 shiny rattata I'd throw a master ball down its throat! :D
and stella, can starter be shinies??? :O
First shiny, surfing in Emerald. I was 7 or so. I forgot to use a Repel. (I got tired of wild Pokemon then too you know >:[) Wild Wingull appeared. It was green :O

Of course I caught it in my first Ultra Ball ^_^

About 2 years later I started a new game in LeafGreen. I walked into Mt. Moon and found a shiny Paras :O

Haven't seen a 1/8192 shiny in the Wild since. I'm just glad I haven't seen one in the Safari Zone ^_^;
Well... my most recent one was in Platinum, where I was trying to get a Munchlax in the Honey Trees, and I walked up to one to see if there was a Munchlax, but all that was in it was a Pink Aipom. I went crazy and decided to catch it. But, I have also found a Shiny Ratatta in FireRed, a Shiny Linoone in Sapphire, a Shiny Hoothoot in Gold.

Now, for one of my Shiny Flops. I was training my pokemon in Gold on the Route after New Bark Town, and suddenly, a Shiny Sentret appeared. I was happy, and I started to whittle down its health. I went to go get a Poke Ball from my bag, but imagine my surprise when I found that I had none left. I was mad, and I ran away. It was the saddest thing I'd ever done.
yeah, I think the worst thing is that. Seeing that you don't have any balls to catch an encountered one..
A shiny clefairy only shiny I've ever seen. LeafGreen. I had it at red, and was going to proceed to use Bulba's sleep powder to ensure my safe catch. Sleep Powder missed, and Clefairy metronome'd into a Double Edge. The Recoil killed it...
The only shiny I have caught was in SoulSilver and it was Gyarados.
and I was so happy when I caught him :p (I know that its part of the story but It was my first time catching a shiny)
so yeah.
Shiny Gyarados - Soul Silver
I saw a Shiny Bellsprout this morning in HG and caught it in my last Poke Ball. I was chaining Bidoof a few days and caught two Shiny ones before getting tired and broke the chain at 42 lol.

dmaster out.
I was 7 years old, playing Pokemon Ruby and I saw a Spinda that was green. I got really excited and decided to chuck a Master Ball at it! It was awesome to have a shiny Pokemon, but I never caught Latias...
I started off playing a new game of platinum and ran across a shiny kricketot.Unfortunately for me I had no pokeballs:(