DPPt/HGSS What's Your "Shiny Moment"?

I've never had any luck with shinys. I've seen 3. And captured one. The first was a rattata in pokemon blue, I had no idea what shiny was and I killed it. The second one was a Zubat, in Ruby. I tried to weaken it, but I got a critical hit and it died. The only one I caught just happened to be a gyarados... (Not the lake rage gyarados, but a random wild one). >_<
I was in the grassy are right next to the miltank farm and i just randomly found a shiny Tauros

(this wasnt in SS but i found a shiny poocheyena in pokemon emerald)
I am extremely unlucky with shinies. Besides getting the VGC Milotic from Vini, I had none besides the LoR Gyarados except for in this one dream I had that I was a professor (not corny like others) and I had a lab with all 493 pokemon in shiny form, except there were no fights. Strangely, I woke up petting my dog.
1One of my first shiny moments was when in LeafGreen, i was passing by Virdian Forest but because my pokemon had a higher level than the ones at the forest, i just avoided them and i encountered a shiny pikachu but when i noted this i had alredy selected the run action.
2My most recent shiny moment was with a zubat
3Then in Diamond i encountered a shiny gastly, now it is in HeartGold as a Shiny Gengar
4 A shiny tentacool in Leaf Green(but i strated a new game)
5 I have a shiny Machamp, i got it moving it from a FireRed i recently bought
6Last but no least the Shiny Gyarados from HeartGold(I was so happy encountering this one, because even because i liked pokemon since 1999, i never had a handheld game so i had been dreaming of that moment)
My only luck was a shiny Shroomish in Ruby and shiny Paras in FireRed. I no longer have either of these pokemon.
Wolf616 said:
I've never had any luck with shinys. I've seen 3. And captured one. The first was a rattata in pokemon blue, I had no idea what shiny was and I killed it. The second one was a Zubat, in Ruby. I tried to weaken it, but I got a critical hit and it died. The only one I caught just happened to be a gyarados... (Not the lake rage gyarados, but a random wild one). >_<

There wasn't any Shiny Pokemon in Blue IIRC. They started in G/S/C.

dmaster out.
Ooh! Ooh! I have a good one.

I was in Iron Island with Riley, when I got into a double battle. I was against a graveler and a Steelix, around Level 34. When I saw the Steelix, it was gold and sparkly. I freaked out. Then I realized that Graveler might know explosion, or Riley's Lucario would knock it out. I went into focus mode. I used surf on the field, which knocked out the graveler. Lucario and Steelix survived. Lucario attacked Steelix, but didn't knock it out. I then attacked Lucario, which took two turns. I was on edge, as I really didn't want to knock out Steelix. Lucario was gone, and it was just me and Steelix. I lowered it's health a bit, then threw a dusk ball. I caught it! Yay!

It was so scary. I really didn't want to lose it, but Lucario and Graveler both posed problems. I was so happy when I caught it! It still just sits in my box... All golden...

Pretty crazy though, huh?
I caught a shiny Oddish in Ruby once, in the Safari Zone, which makes it that much more awesome.

Three days later, I caught a shiny Wingull in the same game, on my way to Route 129 or whatever it is where you can catch Wailord.

In Emerald, I used an Action Replay to force encounters of Suicune, and one of them was shiny (no shiny code was used). Felt pretty slick there.

One time I downloaded a Crystal rom, and I started up the game. I walk out of town - haven't even been to Cherrygrove yet - and ran into a shiny Pidgey. Since I'd JUST gotten out of town, I obviously had no Poke Balls, so I had no choice but to kill it. =[

Other than those, and the obvious red Gyarados, I haven't run into any more.
After spending numerous hours trading just outside Mt. Silver cave, I decided to enter the low-level area of Dark Cave... and found a shiny Geodude.-___- Yay Geodude...
Shiny Treecko Ruby game crashed
Shiny Treecko Ruby Caught
Shiny Seedot Ruby Caught
My Ruby broke turns out it was fake
Shiny Cubone Chain of 7 Diamond Caught
Shiny Hoppip Chain of 37 Diamond Caught
Shiny Geodude Chain of 37 Diamond Caught
Shiny Ralts Chain of 25 Diamond Caught
Shiny Larvitar Chain of 40 Diamond Ran out of pokeball
Shiny Meditiate Chain of 40 Diamond Caught
Shiny Swablu Chain of 17 Diamonad Caught
Shiny Eevee Via Wi fi @ Nats
Shiny Spoink Chain of 40 Diamond Caught
Shiny Skitty Chain of 40 Diamond Caught
Shiny Skitty Chain of 41 Diamond Caught (Same Chain)
I'm a Shiny hunter so I have a lot of Shinies. Hope I made some people jealous :p
1st Shiny: Lake of Rage Gyarados in Gold like many others
2nd: Shiny Unown in the original Gold version
3rd: Shiny Charmander as a starter in Leaf Green.
4th: Bagon, Mightyena, Magikarp, and Magcargo in emerald. Don't rememer the exact order I got these in x). I would always clone them an Pal Park em over to Pearl or Platinum but my brother deleted the save file ='(
5th: Shiny Gyara again in HG =p
First shiny ever :Spinda on Sapphire
Second Shiny:Weedle on leaf green
Third:pidgey on Fire red
No more shinies
And yeah the Red Gyaras
Shiny Gyarados in Gold and gold ( i got 2 coppies)
Shiny Ponyta in Emerald
Shiny Geodude and Pidgey in FireRed
Shiny Combee (took ages) Dimound
Shiny Mareep Plat
i soft reseted for 3 days and got a shiny chickorita
now SRing for shiny Sudowoodo!
1st-Kricketune on Diamond. I found it literally THE DAY AFTER I GOT THE GAME, but blarghitgotaway
2nd-Staravia in Platinum. I didn't want it to blarghgetaway so I used my Master Ball.
3rd-Event Milotic. Yeah.
4th-Dugtrio in FireRed. It was early in the game, so it owned my whole team and blarghitgotaway.
5/6th-Event Pichus. Yeah.
7th-Machop in SoulSilver. Taking Mt. Mortar to Mahogany Town was the best descision I ever made.
8th-LoR Gyarados. Yeah.
9th-Spearow in SoulSilver. I should accedently go in easily avoidable grass more often! =D

Working on SR'ing for Voltorb, Eevee, Giratina and Ho-Oh.

Oh, and I've never found a PokéRadar shiny because I'm terrible at chaining.
1st- Shiny Voltorb in FR, on my way to Zapdos.
2nd - Shiny Oddish in FR, I don't remember where.
3rd - Shiny Numel in Sapphire in Fiery Cave.
4th - Shiny Slugma in Sapphire in Fiery Cave. That's my shiny place :).

Sadly, those 4 are all in my brother's Pearl, and he lost that.

5th - Shiny Kricketune in Diamond, IDK where.

I was dumb and traded it for a Palkia >.<

6th and 7th - 2 Shiny Cubone (now Marowak) from Chaining in Diamond.
8th - Shiny Magnemite in Platinum, Chained.
9th - Shiny Ditto in Platinum, Chained (He's so awesome :3)
10th - Shiny Dusknoir in Platinum, Chained
11th - Shiny Bronzor in Platinum, random
12th - Shiny Gyarados, LoR
13th - Shiny Onix in Heartgold, Mt. Silver.

Wow, I feel lucky. Oh, and I ran into a shiny Ponyta in Diamond, which was amazing. Of course, I got a crit >.<
1st-Zubat in Cerulean cave in Fire Red
2nd-Was the Mewtwo after the Zubat in the same night after SSing
3rd-Groudon in Emerald from SSing in Emerald (Was Adamant! :D)
4th-Rayquaza in Emerald from SSing too was my third day of it (Jolly!)
My newest addition is a shiny Beldum sitting on my box that I'll raise later
My first shiny that wasn't Gyarados from Crystal or HG/SS was actually in HeartGold. I was just on my merry ol' way to the safari zone. I was looking for a Lavitar I believe and a few other pokemon that I wanted on my team. I went into the meadow not expecting to find anything special except for a few pokemon maybe I haven't caught yet. I went into a patch of grass that didn't seem special in anyway. Suddenly I find another pokemon. I close my eyes hoping for something good (for some reason I feel that ups my chances, I did that when I was little playing RBY too) and I hear a cry of a jigglypuff. I sigh as all I got was a measly Jigglypuff. But my mood changes as I realize that I have yet to catch a Jigglypuff. So I go to select the safari ball when I notice something peculiar. This Jigglypuff was a special Jigglypuff. It was a light colored green eyed Jigglypuff. I was in a state of shock as I finally found a shiny pokemon! My excitement level was through the roof as I finally found the coveted shiny pokemon. I was quick to throw as many pokeballs at it to try to catch it. One shake, two shake, three shake.... pop it doesn't stick. I throw another one, only shakes once! My excitement has now evolved into a state of frustration as the Jigglypuff was putting up quite the fight. Safari Ball after Safari Ball was thrown and yet the same result occurs. I am now down to 1 Safari Ball and now wishing that this Jigglypuff decided to grace me with its presence sooner. I throw the last Safari Ball. Time seems to have slowed down at this point. I have no idea what will happen next. Every shake of the Safari Ball seems to take an eternity. All I need is one more shake and then this Jigglypuff will be in my possession..... pop the Jigglypuff escapes the lure of the ball and runs away to its other shiny brethren. I slump down into a dark depression as this rare occurrence came into my life and as quick as it came its gone. Then I saved my game threw my ds at the wall and didn't play for a week.