When did you officially start playing Pokemon?


Aspiring Trainer
(I'm sorry if there is already a thread about this)

I actually started playing about August-December 2008. (I believe)

Anyone mind sharing?
May 9th 2009 Rising Rivals Prerelease 7pm, it was the best experience of my life. I've been collecting since the base set

I started playing when Fossil came out - then stopped playing for a number of years - and returned in June 2006.

My son's very first game was on June 16, 2006. I was at work and his mother taught him how to play.

His first tournament was on January 5, 2008. He went 3-2 in a City Championship tourney. That next month was my first tournament... Great Encounters Pre-Release.
Oh, wow...

It was a long while ago, I think the only thing out was Base set, but Jungle might have been out too, I can't really remember.

I had originally played with a friends deck, thought it was okay but wasn't sure if I was going to get into it. Then on a whim, while buying packs of Star Trek CCG, I bought a base set booster pack, and my holo was none other than Base Set Venusaur. That night I convinced my parents to buy me the Overgrowth deck so Venusaur had a home, and it was all uphill from there.

Although I don't have the original cards (the original collection was stolen from me in gym class so long ago) I have an Overgrowth theme deck with a Base Set Venusaur added to it sitting around just for the memories. :D{G}{W}
Legend Maker Prerelease...oh wow. It was awesome. Pulled a Regirock star, Mew, so many sick cards! Ran a Full Flame/Magmar deck, and got second place. What an amazing day that was...
I started in 1999, and have played off and on since then. Must say the climate has changed A LOT since then, too. But it's been a whole lot of fun getting back into it. I restarted playing last month. The whole Evolved Pokemon as Basic Pokemon was SHOCKING to me at first lol.
Well, I started at around Diamond and Pearl, but never went to league, and just battled my cousin. But my first tournament was the City Championships 2009 and I go to league now. :)
I started about five years ago (right when delta species was BIG) and I went to a states. boy was it FUN! I lost all my matches, but it still was probably the best pokemon experience I have ever had.
I originally started back in the Base/Jungle/Fossil days, stopped for a few years, and got back in during Mysterious Treasures. Didn't start playing competitively until recently.
When it comes to actually playing the game, I started the day Platinum (the TCG set) released. I collected during Base Set, Jungle and Fossil.
The TCG, I presume?
I believe it was back when Hidden Legends was released, which would make it... 2004? 2003?
...Something like that, anyways. *shrugs*