When do cards "go old"?

Flygon Jedi Master said:
I'd wait until the set after Unleashed comes out, it'll most likely have all the Revived Legends and Lost Link cards, which will have a much bigger impact on the format than Unleashed, thus making them more valuable. If you absolutely must have the cards now, go for Unleashed, good beginning trainers like Rare Candy and decent Primes, though all the holos/rares are pretty much worthless.

Any idea when Revived Legends/Lost Link will come out? Also I will probably buy some boxes anyway, so definitely Unleashed? And any others? Would it be beneficial to buy two boxes of the same set? (of any set?)

nabby101 said:
If you get three boxes, get:

1. HG/SS - You're guaranteed one of each Prime, and the LEGEND halves are pretty good too.
2. HS Unleashed - I think you're guaranteed one of each Prime here too. Overall decent set, Rare Candy's always good.
3. Rising Rivals - Luxray GL Lv.X and Flygon Lv.X are two of the most valuable cards in the format. Odds are you'll get at least one of them.

I've heard Rising Rivals is a good one to get but that Platinum and Arceus were also a good bet

crm103top08 said:
Dang, Charizard lost half a pound in 12 years lol!

Anyways, the general consensus seems to be that anything from platinum forward will be good another year, but there hasn't been an announcement and no hardcore proof.

Platinum is a good set
Rr is ehh because most of the support is for sp
Supreme Victors is ehh, but shows some potential after the rotation
Arceus is decent, seems to be a promising deck after the rotation
HG/SS has some good support, not many great pokemon
HSU has some promise after rotation and a small amount of support
Platinum's probably better than Arceus IMO, with Dialga G X and Palkia G X and th Shaymin's.
I'm almost certain that it will be PT-on after worlds. If it isn't PT-on it'll be HS-on, and I can't see them having a format with three sets.
.::n00bmuffin::. said:
I'm almost certain that it will be PT-on after worlds. If it isn't PT-on it'll be HS-on, and I can't see them having a format with three sets.

pardon my n00biness question... "PT" meaning Platinum? I'm not good with the abbreviations yet lol
To be very safe, just get HGSS and HSU until they officially announce the rotation.

I just got back into Pokemon as well just a little more than a month ago, and bought boxes for HGSS and will have some HSU.
If you're going to be going to tournaments immediately, I may suggest picking up a few packs of DP/PL just to get some Trainers.
SplitHeavens said:
To be very safe, just get HGSS and HSU until they officially announce the rotation.

I just got back into Pokemon as well just a little more than a month ago, and bought boxes for HGSS and will have some HSU.
If you're going to be going to tournaments immediately, I may suggest picking up a few packs of DP/PL just to get some Trainers.

That sounds good to me/... Do you know when worlds will be or when we will find out the rotation?