When's a New Kadabra Card Ever Going to Be Released? :-/

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RE: whens a new Kadabra card ever going to be released? :-/

The first Japanese set after someone is not around to sue.
RE: whens a new Kadabra card ever going to be released? :-/

Well i hope it happens sometime in my lifetime... :(

Well at least Kadabra is still in our Red / Blue (Green) version to Black / White version games :D
RE: whens a new Kadabra card ever going to be released? :-/

Been wondering until turns out a guy did the spoon bending trick so and came up with abra kadabra alakazam thing. What happened was there was team rocket pokemon cards and they said dark at the start of the title so there was a dark kadabra. It made him look evil to himself so he got a lawsuit and now there has never been a kadabra card ever since.
RE: whens a new Kadabra card ever going to be released? :-/

I haven't read any previous post. I'm just posting my own opinions on this.

Well, because of Kadabra Nintendo got a nice "sue". I don't beleive they want that to happen again, in any case. But to be honest, there are some things that are a bit odd don't you think? Why even creating a pokemon like that? Wasn't it already obvious that someone would protest against it, or anyone would use it for whatever reason ? And why even to create a Registeel sprite that had ... just check bulbapedia on this one... Sometimes it seems to me that they aren't aware of the trouble somethings could cause... So until they can handle this you won't see controversial pokes either on the anime or the tcg ... :/
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