Ruling where art thou Kadabra?

The Kadabra issue wasn't based on Uris appearance, but more on what Uri's act was. He was once famous for doing this trick where you bend a spoon by having you thumb put a conviently large pressure on the spoons handle, SOMEHOW making it bend. Ahem. That was all Uri was ever famous for I think, although he still claims to be a psychic (and probably claims he's from Venus; I wish he went back home and burn a painful death). Kadabra also has markings which are identical to those found on Zen cards (Zen is the name right?), a popular tool amongst psychics, but Uri claimed it related to satan or something. Ironic, since he's probably used those cards himself as a "psychic".

Oh but he did appear on a reality TV show where people lived in a jungle and ate rather sentimental parts of male Kangaroo. Even Venus would be preferable to that.

That said, Uri lost the case and Kadabra should have got off scot free. No-one knows why Kadabra has been removed from the TCG cards, maybe Nintendo just likes to keep its fans guessing.
I think Nintendo used Uri Guellar to have an excuse to not print any Kadabras anymore and they are just waiting for something big.
@bacon: "ate rather sentimental parts of male Kangaroo" Is it really what I understood?
The only pictures I've seen of him look NOTHING like Kadabra. I've never seen that star on his forhead either. Check my post on the second page, there's a picture of him in a link there. That's about how he usually appears as far as I know.
first off he doesn't have 3 fingers, a mustach, a star on his head, or an elongated face!!! someone should snipe this guy....
the kadabra card also had nazi symbols on it the three lightning bolts wich were later put on zen cards and the star is also a nazi symbol wich was also put on zen cards.

the creators of pokemon KNEW that they were nazi symbols
i thought it was zen cards to nazi symbols not nazi to zen... but either way pokemon/nintendo should just remove the stupid markings and leave it at that...who's going to care? NO ONE!!!
What... the Swastika? It was originally a Japanese symbol meaning good fortune before it was used by the Nazis. I have no idea why it was used by them though. Americans were offended by it, and it wasn't really that big of a deal for Nintendo just to remove it from the card.

Wikipedia said:
The Pokémon Trading Card Game has been criticized by members of the Jewish community for its use of the swastika, though Nintendo says that this is a matter of cultural misunderstanding, as the swastika and a similar symbol, the Manji, have been used in East Asian cultures as a symbol for good fortune by the Hindu religion for thousands of years. The Manji was shown only on a Japanese version card and was excluded from the North American release. However, these Jewish groups attacked the Japanese version distributed in the U.S. by unauthorized import. As a result of this controversy Nintendo stopped using this symbol even in the Japanese version

These weren't even the markings on Kadabra's head. The only card I know of that had that symbol was this one:


(The marked area is where the Manji symbol used to be)

Why change Kadabra's name though?? It has meaning behind it. It's not like Uri Geller owns his own name. You can't name you're child and go and copyright it's name. Someone accross the country (Or maybe even the world) could not even know about it and name their kid the same thing. Then the person who claimed it would sue when the other guy had no idea? That's rediculous. In fact, if ANYONE had rights over a name, it would be Nintendo. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think they protect all their Pokemon names?

I'm really mad at this guy though. I'm sick of having to play the game differently 'cuz some really bored person has nothing better to do than go whine at Nintendo.
Let's sue Uri Guellar for letting children suffer for not having their favorite Pokemon card, so Nintendo will be FORCED to print them if he loses.