The competitiveness of our Pokebeach PO server is...down. I'm not saying people must come on, but when I usually come on (4-5 PM central on some nights, usually longer) there is hardly anyone on, and those who are on are usually noobies or AFK mods. I just wanna know/discuss...where did our competitiveness within our server go? (mods delete if you're considering spam). I mean, other than the occasional Smogon meet, the place is barren. We might as well not have a server if hardly anyone is going to use it. Some might consider what I'm saying wrong, but the times when I am on, there is rarely a time when I see Hatman / TPO3 / several other well known battlers on. I also find it hard to test teams. Some people may say "Oh, well, go to Smogon," well, what's the point of even having our own server if someone's just going to direct others to go to another server to battle? I'm hoping this turns out to be a discussion/non-flame war debate/opinion sharing, so please to whomever, don't get this thread locked.