Where do you get most of your cards?


Aspiring Trainer
Do you enjoy buying tons of boosters?

Do you buy Booster boxes?

Do you trade?

Do you buy online?
I just buy from my local comic shop, and booster's cause there cheap and the random pick is always good, and trading here on the beach is good as well. cya
I love opening tons of booster packs and going through the cards.

As a matter of fact I just bought my first couple of booster boxes, just waiting on them to ship and get here.

I like to trade.

And yes I would buy online
1 booster box, then trade to complete, and then buy singles from ebay to finish off decks
I also like everyone here buys booster boxes off ebay, singles you can catch some crazy deals.

I live in Japan so that is my only option.
In terms of buying packs, I generally just go to my local Target. FOr individual cards, I like the Gathering Ground.
I judge prereleases, and then trade for whatever else I need. Top cutting gives cards too.
I buy packs at my awesome local dealer. Cheap single cards can be bought at troll and toad.
At my League. They may be cheaper elsewhere, but my League is very homely, so I enjoy buying bossters there.

P.S I love buying booster packs. The thrill of opening them is amazing in large doses.