Where to buy... single

card hunter

Aspiring Trainer
Hello! I'd like to know what is the best place to buy single card. I'd like to know shipping effective and when you get them, are'nt they protect in sleeves or something. Thank you!

Do you hear about the rumor that saying pokeorder sold fake card?

I'm sorry if my english isn't very good.
I need a cheap charlizard either dimond and pearl or the original!!! we can i get it from?

ooh and a d&p pidgeotto

how do you gety higher h/p and all that!?[/font]
Shop around on eBay. When you buy from an eBay sellers website (as opposed to their store), you tend to get (this, mind you, is a generalization) the... cards they don't want to receive eBay feedback on.
trollandtoad.com has a good list of single cards. The only problem is them being in stock.