Where to get Assassin's creed II black edition?


Aspiring Trainer
Hi all,

Does anyone knows where to get a Assassin's creed II black edition for the PS3? I really like the whole package thing with the Assassin's creed II black edition. I am from Brunei. I would like to know any sites that provide shipping to Brunei as well.

It's funny how many questions come up on these forums, that if the person asking it would take 5 seconds to google it, or search on ebay, it would save the answerer some time.

Here ya go: http://shop.ebay.com/?_from=R40&_trksid=p3907.m38.l1313&_nkw=Assassin%27s+creed+II+black+edition&_sacat=See-All-Categories

Go down to the int. sellers page.
Is there any other site other than ebay? i tried play-aisa, ebgames and play.com but they doesnt not provide shipping to brunei.
I'm sure you can find something, but It wouldn't be reliable. Local shops, or small online stores may have it for sale, but you can never trust those kinds of sites. Ebay is the only thing I can find.
Well thanks for everything. I tried Ebay but they seems to be over priced =/

I will try look around more.

Anyway thanks for everything.
Sure. It does seem overpriced. You might want to see if people have it locally too. I once found an original playstation (the one that's worth hundreds) for 2.00 at a garage sale.
That's a good bargain man. I did try to get it here but they only provide the white edition. I tried neighbouring countries as well like Singapore and Malaysia they does not supply the black edition as well. The only way I could get it is from overseas and ship it here.