BW/BW2 Where will the gyms be & what gym types will there be?

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I think there will be a Gym in hiun because in the bottom of the photo it shows a building with the supposed gym logo where do you thing they will be and what gym types will they be?
RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

I'm not sure if I', wrong, but look at number 6, and go left. ←
There's a kind of cave, but it the gym from the demo, right?
RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

That gym looks more affiliated with a rock or ground type than any other.
RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

why were the pokemon in the demo so weak though?
Beru's pokabu was level 15, wild shimama was 10... Just for the demo?
RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

That probably means the gym we see in this picture is the first.
RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

It's too far from the hometown to be the first gym...
I would dare say that number 10 is where the first gym is.
RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

I don't want to make any assumptions yet I still think the map is bigger.
RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

Isshu might be the biggest region yet....
RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

Zalman said:
That probably means the gym we see in this picture is the first.

It's not. Dento is the first gym leader and he's in another city.
RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

I'm pretty sure the restaurant thing in the second town is the Gym.
RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

PokeBeach Bum said:
I'm pretty sure the restaurant thing in the second town is the Gym.

Seems plausible as the gyms seem to have their looks based off of themes not just the same old look.
RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

I don't want to be for sure yet though. I think a lot isn't visible on this map.
RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

I think there will be a gym near number 5 on the map and it'll be flying :p
RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

Here,look at this zoomed interactive map of Isshu.
Instructions:Click the button under Reshiram.
RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

the map i guess is bigger and there are more gyms that we dont see
RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

Probably, I think it goes out father in every direction.
RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

I forget which gym is it that is "in a town with train tracks 100 years old, but the only town with tracks is to the right of Sky Arrow Bridge. Its not very detailed, it only has one building '__'
RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

im gonna guess the demo cave gym is the third(cuz we already know the first 2) and its ice type(icicles)
i think aloe will be grass, and i really hope that dento (the first gym leader) isnt a rock leader. show fire types some love
(eventhough im starting with tsutaaja)
RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

I don't think Aloe will be grass but I'm not sure. If the colors they put around Aloe and Dendo mean anything, then I believe that Dendo is grass or bug and Aloe is fire and that would be a refreshing difference from previous games!
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