BW/BW2 Where will the gyms be & what gym types will there be?

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That may be true, but 1-6 and 9 are confirmed locations. The numbers are purely arbitrary, so the order may not quite match the game (i.e. you might not necessarily move clockwise), but the locations listed are accurate listed at least in terms of their placement on the map.
@Kamen no Otoko - As for the 3 circles on the Eastern side of the region (surrounding the East mountain), there seems to be something suspicious about the locations being covered up by clouds on the region's artwork. Then, that thought occurred to me - if Yin and Yang represent the North and South sides of a mountain, respectively, then perhaps the 'clouded' areas are all important. Furthermore, if the top one of these 3 circles is the location of the 7th gym, and the bottom one of these circles is where the 8th gym can be found, then presumably the legendaries can be caught between the 7th and 8th gyms, suggesting that they can be caught in the location East of the East mountain. As for the 5th gym, the only official hint we have as to what type it specialises in is the silhouette of the 5th gym badge, and that could be anything. I also see how I was mistaken for guessing that the blast furnace was to be the location of the 6th gym, moving the Sekka City Ice gym up to be the 6th gym. There is still a dense forest to the North of the East mountains, so perhaps the Bug gym will be there, making it the 7th gym.
Seventh gym as ice? How original. That hopefully will not happen, it has been done twice(and in both of the games last gen.). I also do not think dragon will be below seventh. Dragons are supposed to be powerful and hard to get.
Strong bugs? Cool. Maybe a ninja with honey traps or a royal fortress with a quenn of the hive. I do not think it will be 7th but it could be(or someone near).
@Timeshift: Oh, I wasn't saying that you were mistaken--rather, the magazine from which the scans were taken mistook the screenshot of the Bug-type gym as a blast furnace. The true purpose of the structure in the northwest corner is anyone's guess at this point, but I would wager that it isn't a gym because it isn't located at one of the large points. :cool:

It sounds perfectly likely that the Bug-type gym would be in the forest to the north of the eastern mountains! I also agree with you that the areas shrouded in mist are undoubtedly important areas--or, at least, areas that Game Freak doesn't want us to see just yet. ;)

The revelation of the two new monkeys, Hiyappu and Baoppu, lead me to believe that Dento has the Grass-type Yanappu, while his red- and blue-haired companions have the other two monkeys (presumably Fire- and Water-type, respectively).

For the time being, I will forego the lighthouse town and set Sekka as the fifth gym.

1) Sanyou City - Dento (Grass)
2) Shippou City - Aloe (Rock?)
3) Hiun City - ? (Flying?)
4) Raimon City - ? (Electric?)
5) Sekka City - ? (Ice?)
6) (Dual-colored dragon town) - ? (Dragon?)
7) (Northeastern forest town?) - ? (Bug?)
8) (Eastern coastal town/Town at foot of eastern mountains?) - ? (?)
@Kamen no Otoko - Don't worry, I know you never said I was wrong about the "blast furnace"! :) I think we can be quite sure of where 6 of the gyms are:

1. Sanyou
2. Shippou
3. Hiun
4. Raimon
5. Sekka
6. Town North of East Mountain

This leaves 4 possible locations for the remaining 2 gyms. I also completely respect the fact that you're convinced that the dual-coloured town is the location of a Dragon-type gym, but personally I think it is purely a plot location (i.e. Black City/White Forest) w/o a gym ;) (this is only my opinion of course - I could be mistaken ;)). I also agree with the 'blast-furnace' area being something other than a gym for the same reasons you stated. This leads me to believe that there are 2 possible locations for the last 2 gyms (though not the last 2 gyms (i.e. 7th and 8th)), in which case every gym has been assigned to a particular city. These 2 remaining locations are the city to the West of the red bridge and the city North of Sanyou but South of the East mountain. I know I may be wrong about this by the way! :D
@Timeshift: Oh, glad that there wasn't any confusion! :D

You make an excellent point, though! Actually, if the lighthouse town and the town south of the eastern mountains have gyms, that would make the "circle" symmetrical, with the towns on the far east and west being "plot cities," so to speak. And, in thinking about it, I agree that the dual-colored city seems more likely to be an area important to the plot; whether it is the fabled Black City/White Forest is as-of-yet unknown. I almost wonder if Black City/White Forest is located in one of the "misty" locations, seeing as each is exclusive to a separate version of the game so, by covering up the area with fog, the map shown becomes a "general" map of Isshu.

1) Sanyou
2) Shippou
3) Hiun
4) Raimon
5) (Lighthouse town)
6) Sekka
7) (Northeast forest town)
8) (Southeast mountain town)
@Kamen no Otoko - that's a good point actually! The only reason I thought the multi-coloured city represented BC/WF is because the map was showing us that that's where each of them are (only one per game, obviously). However, I think you could be right about it being hidden beneath the clouds. This means that there could be 2 possible BC/WF locations in the games. Or maybe, just MAYBE Black City is the multi-coloured city (as the whole area looks like a city and not so much a forest), and White Forest is underneath the clouds (literally in the forest)!? I doubt that would happen, but it kind of makes sense in one way :D. Just my 2 'pence'! XD

EDIT: Here is a list of every type there is (assuming that there are definitely no new ones this gen):


Dento could still use Grass, Fire and Water, because none of these types (presumably) are used in any of the other gyms. This eliminates the possibilty of the Fire-type for Aloe's gym in Shippou City, leaving her as either a Steel or Rock-type leader. There is evidence to suggest that Hiun City is home to the Flying-type gym, and Raimon City presumably has an Electric-type gym. I can guarantee that Sekka City has an Ice-type gym, and we've seen a Bug-type gym. As a result I am 95% sure that Hiun's, Raimon's and Sekka's gym types are the same as I've described above, and I think the theory that Dento uses Grass, Fire and Water types has become even more plausible. The gym with honey in must be a Bug-type gym, and we now know that Shippou's gym is rock and/or steel (it could be both considering Dento may have 3 different types). For now, this is what the other 2 gyms could be:

Steel OR Rock, if any

There's still a lot of possibilities, but at least it's narrowed down the list! :D
@Timeshift: I just wish that Game Freak would show us the entire map already! :( I'm still uncertain as to whether or not they're trying to hide BC/WF altogether... According to the official site, they emphasize how these two "entirely different" places exist on the same spot on the map. My guess is that the actual location of BC/WF has not yet been revealed, and that we should expect to see them somewhere in one of the areas currently covered by clouds.

Great point about Dento! He uses Yanappu, and his red- and blue-haired companions undoubtedly use Hiyappu and Baoppu, respectively. It would seem logical for the first gym to be a little more complex, seeing as you will have already encountered Team Plasma twice by the time you reach Sanyou City: once in Karakusa, and again at the Ruined Factory just outside of Sanyou.

Nice job narrowing down the list! ;) It would be nice to finally see a Dark-type leader, but it still might be too early to tell, especially considering that there's roughly a fourth of the map that we can't see.
@Kamen no Otoko - After thinking about the 2 other gyms and their types, I am fairly confident that the lighthouse town has a gym of the Steel-type, like you thought. I have many reasons for this, and a lot of them may not be reasons, but rather a result of me looking too far into it and trying to find clues to support this theory:

First of all, there is the lighthouse. There was a lighthouse in Olivine, and that city had a Steel-type gym (as you quite rightly pointed out). Secondly, the red steel bridge is a very big clue imo. Thirdly, there appears to be a weird looking cross-shaped structure at the South of this city, and it appears to be made out of steel. Also, after looking at the typing options we have left, Steel is the only type (besides Normal) that I can see fitting in with the city. Finally, the 5th gym badge's silhouette looks roughly like a steel tool that was found in the Iron Age (at least, that's what it looks like to me), which could hold some resemblance to Team Plasma's origins because they are dressed in medieval costumes.

If we're right about this city's gym being a Steel-type, then that automatically forces the second gym to be Rock-type. There are also more reasons for the second gym to be Rock-type than Steel-type, if we use the evidence you provided. Therefore, the final gym could be anything out of:


Personally I don't think the final gym will be Normal, Psychic, Fighting, Poison or Ghost, although it could still be one of them! Dragon seems logical because dragons are supposed to be strong, and are often encountered at or near the end of the games, Dark is a possibility (just has that ring to it), or it could be Ground as it is at the foot of a mountain. Just my thoughts again! :D
@Timeshift: Interesting theory! :D I agree that the lighthouse town is some sort of port and that the scaffolding is evidence of a relatively industrial area. There's a good chance that it might be a Steel-type gym!

I thought I might bring up some information from 2ch that details N, the alleged Elite 4, and the Champion:

2ch said:
・N(エヌ)=ノウス (プラズマ団団長) - N = North (Leader of Team Plasma)

四天王 - Elite Four
・ファラ (ノーマル、ひこう) - Fara (Normal, Flying)
・シュテン (かくとう、はがね) - Shuten (Fighting, Steel)
・カゲハ (ゴースト、あく) - Kageha (Ghost, Dark)
・ムロウ (ドラゴン) - Murou (Dragon)

チャンピオン - Champion
・サウス (Nの兄。使用ポケモンは混合) - South (N's Brother. Uses a mix of Pokémon)

In other words, assuming that this is accurate, that leaves the following types available for gym leaders:


From what we've postulated so far, there are four types left over: Poison, Ground, Psychic, and Bug. We know of a Bug-type gym (see below) existing somewhere, probably in the forest north of the eastern mountains.


For argument's sake, let's say that the Ground-type gym exists in the town undergoing construction (see below), probably east or south of the eastern mountains.


Let's assume that the lighthouse town doesn't have a Gym, that Hiun has a pollution problem--it is a huge city, after all--and that there's a Psychic-type gym somewhere on the east of the map:

1) Sanyou - Dento/Red Hair/Blue Hair (Grass/Fire/Water)
2) Shippou - Aloe (Rock)
3) Hiun - ? (Poison)
4) Raimon - ? (Electric)
5) Sekka - ? (Ice)
6) (Northeastern forest) - ? (Bug)
7) (Eastern sandbar) - ? (Ground)
8) (South of eastern mountains) - ? (Psychic)

A lot of speculation, and it revolves around the 2ch rumor being accurate, but it's something to consider nonetheless. ;)
@Kamen no Otoko - Now that is very interesting - especially the thing about N's brother being the champion. If they're brothers, then obviously they will look similar to each other, and we've seen a character that looks very similar to N (the guy who is crowning N). As a result, I think that this look-a-like is indeed N's brother, and perhaps N is being crowned because he became the new champion? He did say he will surpass the champion anyway, perhaps it's to do with sibling rivalry? I also think that the towns East or South of the East mountain will be Ground-type, and the theories you posted about the other cities possibly being other types seems very plausible with the evidence you provided! Nice find btw!
^^If that is true, the E4 and the gyms will be awesome in black and white. We will have so many types used! (At least more than past games)
Okay so there is a Fire/Grass/Water, Normal Bug, Ground, and Dragon gyms what other gyms do you think there will be for the known gyms and the other gyms where do you think they will be?
Ground needs to be in the construction site or desert. Steel or electric in the third city (hiun city) using the rollercoasters. Dragon should be last and close to the castle, if not in it.
Ther could be an ice type user near the mountains in snowflake city.
I think the e4 rumor is fake if we get a dragon gym too. There are only 6 non legendary dragons, and only 2 are final evolutions. And also n isnt the leader of tp. I do want something similar. Maybe dual typed? Drillmole using grd/stl user? Sweet
Guys quit putting dark in your theory thing. Dark WON"T be a gym confirmed in another thread!
Wait what? No one said that.. Only posts that did were from a while back before we knew that. Check the last edits.
Any ideas for gyms?
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