Pokemon Which animals missing??

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Papi/Manny Feraligatr is a aligatr As Dinosaurs never had long snouts (Except Spinosaurs but feraligatr doesnt look like him) Plus the asspect of gatr in his name lol

So I agree with rick raptor.
Going way back, there is no way masquerain is a mosquito.

Nintendo really have done alot... uummm... racoon?

Oh! I know! An electric mouse!
Papi/Manny said:
Well, treeko has tree in it...and it doesn't look like a tree at all.

Hmm, make a list of the animals made into Pokemon first... <<<Rickraptor say
Cat-Meowth, Mew
Dog-Arcanine, Growlithe
Worm-Weedle, Wrumple, Caterpie
Worm evolution(forgot name)-Kakuna, Cascoon, Silcoon, Metapod
Magic Names-Abra, Kadabra
Mud Fish-Mudkip

That's all I can think now...
Please, mosquerain is of course a derivation of mosquitos. See it comes from surskit. Mosquito larvas are called something like surskit(sorry, i forgot!). And see the homophones at the beginning of the names "mosqu...".
And please people be creative. Girafrig obviously comes from giraffes....so what giraffes don't have two heads.
Psy-duck ofcourse comes from ducks...not platypus.
Mightyena is not a wolf..in fact it is a Hyena....aka Might + yena & Pooc + Hyena = Poochyena

Besides a Hyena pokemon iz more original than a wolf...IMO

Something that they have not done at all would be a Dolphin...another would be Lion & or Tiger....arcanine doesn't count.

I would luv to see more Dino pokes ( Velociraptor & Dilophpsaurus FTW!!!):D
'A lion'-entei has a look of that. See, it has got manes and also crowns, though, in a odd way.
(Lions being king of animals....supports the crown theory).
'A tiger'-raikou obviously is the one.
Ohhhhhhhhh....i just remembered, we have persian as a lioness.

This far, what i have got, are....1.Ant-eaters
Starting with the Hoenns:
Treecko- Gecko
Torchic line- Chickens
Beautifly line/Butterfree line- Catapillar and Butterfly
Dustox -Moth
Swellow/Pidgeot line- Bird (general...)
Wingull -Seagull
Pelipper - Pelican
Delcatty line - Cats
Manetric line- Wolf?
Volbeat/Illumise - Fireflies
Carvanha- Pirhanha
Sharpedo- Shark
Wailord line - Whales
Camerupt line- Camels
Torkoal/ Blastoise line - Turtles
Grumpig - Pig
Spinda- Panda
Zangoose - Mongoose?
Seviper/Arbok line- Snake (duh)
Crawdaunt line- Crabs
Walrein line - Seals
Clamperl- Clam

ERm...not doing any that are already said...
how a bout a flee or kangaroo or evan something random like nessy the lockness monster :p
Yes...its time to look into the varieties of a species.
Different types of dogs, different types of cats, different types of birds...etc.
a meerkat...would be nice...or an ostrich, a gorrila?; a Smilodon(saber-tooth), Archeopteryx(anscestor of modern birds)

Hadrosaur of some species

Ancient Animals:
Sea Turtle(Archelon)
Millepide or Centipede(Arthropleura)

Other Animals:
Poler Bear
Electric Eel
OK Rickrtaptor...looks like u have definitely done some digging here.Now, some animals u mentioned have already been taken.See,
Electric eel-barboach
And i believe we have enough turtle pokemons to go on with.
hmm, it seems our raptor-dude knows his dino's pretty well :p
and he has done his digging, i concur...
a little funny thing: they also even copied humans to create Pokémon:p look at mr mime and jynx :p even the pokédex says humanshaped on jynx :p

dolphins ofcourse haven't been used yet, that's an obvious one...
do we have penguins?i don't believe so (maybe in DP, i don't know)
do we have orca's? and there is a difference with sharks, i can assure...sharks we have, orca's we don't, i think...

the zebra: discussable: i do believe girafarig comes from it(look at the name GIRAF)...

hmm, we have birds in general, but i can name some species we do not have, i'm sure of that...: an eagle for example...(other names i have to look up to say them in english, i am flemish after all...)

and they already have ghosts, and lot's of em too :p

for the moment being, i can't remember anything else from the animal realm...
if i do stumble on something, you'll hear it ;)

the psychotrainer
shakir said:
Please, mosquerain is of course a derivation of mosquitos. See it comes from surskit. Mosquito larvas are called something like surskit(sorry, i forgot!). And see the homophones at the beginning of the names "mosqu...".
And please people be creative. Girafrig obviously comes from giraffes....so what giraffes don't have two heads.
Psy-duck ofcourse comes from ducks...not platypus.

It's masquerain, so it isn't really like mosquito apart from the fact it has an unusual q. Anyway, even if it was derived from that, it isn't really a mosquito due to the fact it hasn't got the trade mark blood sucker.

I think they could do a tarantuala. I know they have ariados, but we could do with a beefy spider.
hmm, what seems to me is we have to go to the insects and extict animals more and more to get species they haven't done yet...
maybe that's not so surprising: these are the ones people like least...or don't know of their existance...

i guess we could name lot's more, if we stop naming animals in genral, but go into it deeper: E.G.: instead of birds, say specific which bird...etc...example: pidgey: pigeon....
this way, i think we can come up with much more...

the psychotrainer
indeed, we miss the kind mammal!! dolphin...in Pokémon...
would be nice to have i think...and normally if they would make it, it would have: the intelligence close to humans(dragonite style)
the top speed in the ocean...and would always swim in groups...

the psychotrainer
Yep, bacon-boy u are right saying that masquerain is not derieved from mosquitos...i've been acting really stubborn there. I looked up for masquerain in Wikipedia. There they say the name actually comes from the word 'masquerade', which means to disguise.(seeing, how a masquerain disguises itself with those odd markigs on its wings). The japanese name for masquerain means 'a water-moth'.
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