Pokemon Which animals missing??

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Well, to answer the very first post, Karanakushi (now confirmed to be Snelios) and its evolution, Toritoidon, are not Lapras related at all. They are their own evolutionary line, and are based off of the sea slug. I know, it's weird that there aren't any Zebra pokémon, but there are lions (Rentorer) and they have a mosquito/bagworm moth (Garmeil, although it is mostly a bagworm moth). They now have honeybees (Mitsuhoney and Beequeen), hedgehogs (Sheimi), and even sea angels (Manaphy and Fione). They have dinosaurs that have control over the space-time continuum (Dialga and Palkia) and an equine being that is the god of all Pokémon (Arseus). They have the weirdest, most unique animals now for the 4th generation, like a Meganuirus, mammoth, and neon tetras. They have butterfly fish, a bipedal wolf, a Pachecephylasaurus, a Chasmasaurus, a monstrous scorpion, a line of penguins, crickets, and a raven. I can't think of anymore right now...
Oh my...this thread is still going on...aint I glad i started this?!?!
A lot of potential new-comers in the scenarios....appreciate work of Gardevoir_milotic. has Rickraptor dropped a line recently? I could not use 'net for so long....feeling outsider!
neway, still enjoying the stupid question about rabbits...people need to stop before it gets too boring...
i have been thinking...we could turn to mythological creatures for ideas now....What about a Hippogriff or an elf or a gargoyle??
pokeblader said:
A koala and zebra

This is becoming like the rabbit problem... about 7,000,000,000 people have mentioned these!!!

anyway, we dont have an Aye-aye or a bush baby
They doesn't seem to have a lot of rabbit in Pokemon, I can't think of any rabbit.
I have a question...murkrow comes from crow, right??
Then Donkrow must have come from Ravens??? Right??
What have been done on deer?? I know we have stantlers...which category of deer are they?
We are certainly missing moose-deer and reign-deer? aren't we??
Actually the term reindeer is misleeding, while it is true that reindeer are in the deer family, they're more closely related to elk, the preoper name should be Caribou, we're misssing Mooses too.
Yes i guess buneary(i think) and loppuny(i think) are rabbits,but loppuny just dosn't look like a rabbit. Anyways there are no ants.
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