Which booster box to buy?

Which booster box should i get?

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Aspiring Trainer
[/align]Hey guys. ive been thinking about getting a booster box but i dont know which one to get. ive got ideas like 2009 pokemon movie anniversary movie box. or maybe lost link. ive also been thinking about getting clash at the summit.

to help you guys tell me which to get im not really a collector but i do collect japanese sets that arent out in english yet. my decks are alot of sp flygon decks and jumpluff. so if you guys can help me out here thatd be great.

Right now these are my choices
2009 Pokemon Anniversary Movie Box(JP)
Clash At The Summit (JP)
Lost Link
Any set MD- On (if so which one)


mods feel free to move this if its in the wrong place
I really think that you should either get RR or maybe undaunted. Because getting a luxray X would help alot with SP decks, and almost every single one can use a 1-1 tech. plus it would help your jumpluff (if you dont have one already). But undaunted has some GREAT trainers, and rescue energy will be on high demand. plus theres vileplume, and scizor prime, and all the awesome eeveelutions
minimidget94 said:
I really think that you should either get RR or maybe undaunted. Because getting a luxray X would help alot with SP decks, and almost every single one can use a 1-1 tech. plus it would help your jumpluff (if you don't have one already). But undaunted has some GREAT trainers, and rescue energy will be on high demand. plus theres vileplume, and scizor prime, and all the awesome eeveelutions

in a response to the rising rivals box. im almost done rising rivals im only missing about 4 lvl xs and what if i dont get a luxray gl x or a flygon x. undaunted is a good idea tho
I agree with Undaunted; it's the newest set and tons of trade bait will be in there. There's no point in buying japanese sets unless you really HAVE to collect them or if you live in Japan.
I'd say 2009 Movie Anniversary. You could probably get some good stuff if you trade the stuff in there to kids/collectors.
Lost Link would be pretty awesome. However if you are someone who plays outside of Japan you wouldn't be able to use the card next season.
i am a player in canada. i play the cards and i collect japanese cards like sets that havent came out yet in canada or didnt ever come out in canada. please DO NOT recommend these sets. i am almost done or done them

Rising Rivals
anything before majestic dawn
Go with the set after Undaunted. It'll have English Lost Link cards (most likely) and is much better than Undaunted. However if you can buy two boxes, go with Undaunted when it comes out and then the one after it.

dmaster out.
Go with Undaunted. It will have all the good cards we were SUPPOSE to get from our last set. Plus some good stuff from CaTs.
Buy HGSS. It has a very high Ulttra-Rare card rate, and it will not be out of date until at least 2012.(I mean legally outdated.) Also, I don't agree with buying a booster box just to get a particular card. That's what pokemon card singles sites are for.
Undaunted or Platinum Base Set because they will both have a lot of wanted and playable cards.