Which Box should I get


can't think of what to say...
I need Help! My brother and I have saved up for a booster box , but we don't know which box we should get! He want's great encounters, but I want Mysterious treasures, Diamond and Pearl, Stormfront, and Legends Awaken. I can't choose, but we can only afford 1! Please Help me! Please tell me which box I should get!
i would go for a stormfront box as you will get a ton of good cards to trade and some nice L.VX's
Thanks, but I still have the huge problem of convincing my brother to get Stormfront. He wants great encounters not for the claydol, but for the Blaziken. He wouldn't care if it sucked, if there is a card with Blaziken as it's name, he will kill to get it. He also refuses to buy singles, he thinks they are a scam. Of course there is possibility that my brother will go for Galatic Conquest, but I want to get the box before cities.
Go for the sf, your brother is smth like my.... He is so stuborn and I can not convince him something when I know better than him.... Sf, best x. and you can trade for a one milion of blazikens
SF gets you most likely 2 Xes, 1 Shiny and 1 Char line card. This is by far the most bang-for-the-buck you can get. Most of the SF Rare/Holo cards are also very playable, and it's the easiest way to get your hands on 4 Pokedrawer/Blower/Healer, which you will need eventually.
Stormfront is definitely the best bet for your money. StealthAngel667 provides the best reason, plus, lots of playable cards. Blaziken GE isn't really that good. You could trade some of those SF cards you get on this site for Blaziken GE if your brother is so high strung on that.
i agree with ESP you can trade for blaziken for some of the double rares that you get from the SF box!!

go with stormfront all the way!!
sg1442004 said:
cool! let us know what you get in the box(lv.x's/shiny/char..)

It Might Be a while though.

Oh-No! There are No Stormfront boxes left! I have to Get Majestic Dawn!