Which Cards Do You Think Will Be Cut from HS-Triumphant?

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CATS=80 cards (minus RDL+KGL)=76 cards
Lost Link=40 cards
76+40=116 cards.
So it's 14 cards that's not gonna be printed in Triumphant..Hope to god it's not Lost World...sigh

It's actually only 13 cards being cut, since one of the 76 in Clash is Alph Lithogram, which will be our "FOUR" a.k.a. 103/102 card for Triumphant.

Either way, what are they really going to do those thirteen missing cards? If we were ever going to get POP 10 I'd say they'd stuff them there, but apparently we're not.
Who's to say we won't get a REPLACEMENT for POP packs? Look at YGO. They discontinued Tournament Packs... Then came out with Champion Packs... Then discontinued those for Turbo Packs. It could easily happen here. Though it largely depends on why they discontinued POP packs, and how they plan to handle that reason in future.
It just seems too soon. We will then have to wait about 6 months to get our first black and white set.
They need to come up with a least one more set to fill up those 6 months so they would have to make a reprint mini-set. With some popular cards that are MD on.
Anyone who thinks Lost World will be cut:

This is impossible. The Japanese metagame depends on Lost World. Some people will be running Lost World the whole season, then for Worlds they can't run it? Watch what I say, it will be in.
Tyraniking said:
Anyone who thinks Lost World will be cut:

This is impossible. The Japanese metagame depends on Lost World. Some people will be running Lost World the whole season, then for Worlds they can't run it? Watch what I say, it will be in.

I'm interested to hear what you think will be cut instead of Lost World then. XD

dmaster out.
If I had to make a guess, I'd say the Dragonite, Altaria, Dugtrio, Illumise/Volbeat and Venomoth lines, as well as Carnivine and Pachirisu, will be cut. They're the majority of the Lost Link cards that have no family members that have to do with the Lost Zone. Relicanth and Spiritomb could replace either Illumise and Volbeat or Carnivine and Pachirisu in the cuts, too.
for those of you doubting Lost World will be in Triumphant take another look at the article for the set. It states mutiple stadiums in the set and since the only other one is Indigo Plateau from CaTS then I think that means we are indeed getting our meta breaker.

I'm honestly more concerned if Hunter, Twins, Rescue Energy and Junk Arm will make the cut.
i just wanted to state that the us WIIL NOT be getting lost world in the next set that is ONE of the cards that is getting cut from the set i am willing to bet my life on that.
As much as I hate the Lost World stuff, I gotta say it (the exclusion of the LL cards) is not going to happen.
i just wanted to state that the us WIIL NOT be getting lost world in the next set that is ONE of the cards that is getting cut from the set i am willing to bet my life on that.

Thats a pretty big bet to place with the site stating stadiums (note plural) and theres only 2 left to print, 1 of which being lost world and i highly doubt a US exclusive stadium
Rescue Energy is guaranteed, it's the only Special Energy between Lost Link and Clash. Lost World and Indigo Plateau are likely, as it mildly implies there are multiple Stadiums. Plus, honestly, I don't see them cutting any Trainers, Supporters or Stadiums anyway. They're too generic not to be included.
I don't like the idea of cutting cards from English sets and it'd be a dumb move to cut some of Lost Link and Clash at the Summit just to put it in the Base Set for Black & White next year in February.

I will be disappointed If they cut Victreebel out as well as Magnezone Prime cause those are actually playable cards, not to mention the one Supporter everyone wants to get ahold of being Hunter from Lost Link.

At least make this set less awful than HS Undaunted which was mediocre at best in terms of playable cards, heck HeartGold/SoulSilver Base Set was so much better and HS Unleashed was halfway decent.
alright, instead at skeculationg what would be cut, lets look at what will be included. from the official information, we will be given:
~ all 8 primes and this includes their pre-evos and rare/uncommon counterparts. gengar prime, mew prime, magnezone prime...
~ the two remaining legends. darkrai cress & palkia dialga
~ magmortar and electivire lines
~ call energy, lost world stadium, and other supporters and trainers.
~ nidoking and nidoqueen lines
~ mamoswine lines

and to be honest, thats all i really wanted form hs-Triumphant.
the other 12 or so cards being cut really dont make a difference.
itll most likely be a few useless holos or rare lines (there too many holo and rares in this set) as well as a few useless pokemon (kangaskhan), carnivine, relicanth, etc...
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