Yeah, I kept trying to build new decks, then I kept losing to Zoroark and nothing else. I had stopped winning local tournaments when Zoroark got huge, so wanna know what I'm playing now? Buzzwole/ Garb. Complete and utter cancer that keeps your opponent from playing the game between Parallel City, Constant knockouts T2, and Ability lock. Pokemon needs to learn the way to stop a powerful card isn't to just make a card that's stronger, because that's the problem. Playstyle almost doesn't exist now because there are only 2 relevant decks if you want to win an event. Buzzwole gets nerfed pretty bad post-rotation, and that's fine, but with no Ability lock other than Glaceon, AND no Parallel City, Zoroark just gets EVEN STRONGER. Our testing group just plays 2014 Nats format when we're not playing a tournament.