Probably an unpopular opinion but i hate playing against greninja its just so annoying to have to deal with managing spread damage as well as koing six pokemon a game essectially
This is not an unpopular opinionProbably an unpopular opinion but i hate playing against greninja its just so annoying to have to deal with managing spread damage as well as koing six pokemon a game essectially
Very good points. It's a wonder Zachary Bokhari played that otherwise useless Giratina Promo in last year's Worlds.Naturally from playing this game quite a bit, a lot online and a tournament here and there, there's going to be things I hate and want to get past through, like match-ups that are an auto-loss, and Guzmas and/or Lysandres that get played the last turn when you're about to win. Specific decks that I hate? Greninja.
I usually play a metal deck, so while Volcanion is super effective against me and I despise that deck as well, there's at least a possibility that I can beat Volc if I take out a charged Volcanion-EX or plan ahead or pray to god they don't have Guzma in hand the turn they need it. Buzzwole decks were fine to play against, it took them a while to charge, and you can counter them with Mew-EX / EVO Mewtwo. Even Zoroark, I don't hate him at all. Infact, I love him in this format. His draw power is one of the most fun things you can do in this game (or this current format at least) to not only just draw a billion cards but discard stuff you don't need that could be N'd back into the deck that end up being useless cards. He makes this format fun, quite literally format defining but in a good way to me (Expanded is a different story).
Greninja is just cancer whenever I play against the deck. Turn 3 when it get's Greninja set up, in comes the Shadow Switching, locking abilities with zero way to block it. Oh but hey, there is a way to block it! Pokemon Ranger, which shuts off the effects of attacks. For one turn. And it's a supporter! And it does nothing else! Don't got that cruddy gimmicky card in the deck? Then you can'y escape the ability lock. Greninja decks will keep doing that and eventually play Greninja BREAKs to snipe anything they want for 60 damage, enough to KO most baby pokemon so you can't even play a basic to evolve it because next turn they'll just snipe it easily! So by this point I'm dealing with 1 or probably even a couple prize 1 pokemon with 170 HP that can lock abilities. All that hard work to knock out one Greninja BREAK, only to get 1 prize card. Only 5 more to go! Yeah, 5 more Greninja BREAKS by this point since they're going to get back all their parts with Super Rod, Rescue Stretcher, and most importantly, Splash Energy. Knock one out and they get all their pokemon back.
Thankfully, Greninja's being rotated in a couple months, and I see this deck less often online than I do today. His ability lock is stupid and how many times you can stream him once he gets going is just nuts. Honorable mentions include stall decks forcing a unique playstyle against you, which I also hate, but with a couple cards teched in or even one card, if you have even some of the slightest devotion to those kind of decks, you'll probably do fine (e.g. BNS Lycanroc for SHL Hoopa, and ULP Oranguru to never mill yourself getting back energies and anything you need to stay alive). Greninja I've rarely taken games off of, and I've dreaded playing a game everytime I see a Froakie or Starmie revealed as thier basic. I wrote quite a couple paragraphs about this, that's 2 things: experience, and salt.
Might I add that it may become even stronger with psychic malamar threatening our favorite ultra mosquito in the next meta.
And I should add that it makes the game boring considering how strong the card is, enabling a powerful card like Buzzwole to be even stronger just because Zoroark is half the meta.
Ye olde anti-Emerald Break Necrozma GX is a Psychic discarder, I agree with your points on Buzzwole, and I would pay to see pre-Forest-ban Decidueye vs Greninja BREAKPsychic Malamar isn't going to help the Psychics we have atm, Maybe Dawn Wings Necrozma, we don't have any Psychic discarders atm. Ultra Necrozma may be able to scare it as well as Necrozma. The biggest threat Buzzwole going on in the newer formats isn't even using a Malamar deck, because the pokemon, Naganadel attacks for only one energy, and easily gets a ohko on it, (A Naganadel list I gathered plays 3-3 Naganadel, 4 Buzzwole, 1 Dawn Wings Necrozma, 2 Lele, 1 Oranguru)
I dunno, Zoroark makes the game fun, what the card creators didn't account for was a powerful stage one that could attack for 1 energy as well as make decks consistant. Zoroark usually had powerful cards in the past, this was just one of them. Buzzwole is actually more of a problem right now, as it can ko basics one turn 1 with strong, regirock, it limits people to playing basics and stage 1 decks, or stall decks. Remember Silvally Metals before ULP? Hasn't seen too much play as it has before. Other Stage 2s aren't as viable as they were before. Decidueye has dropped a lot in play, Gardevoir isn't as popular as it once was (still a really good deck, sometimes inconsistent)
The decks I truly dislike Zoropod, and BuzzGarb. Those decks are an annoyance, especially BuzzGarb, there aren't many good psychic basics at the moment besides Mew-EX, and Mew from FAC. Any other decks with zoroark, and buzz is fine to me.
Oh yeah, and btw Greninja is trash, I hate it. (Beat me when I was playing Decidueye!)
ps.2- Max Elixers and Floats are Being Rotated, Rip Ho-oh Kiawe decks that I'm surprised no one has mentioned yet, and Buzzwole loses out on this, it gets slightly worse in the newer format (unless we don't rotate which would be oh so bad.)
I hate the deck, but It's not hard to beat unless you have a really bad matchup. Any Energy acceleration in decks helps a lot, as does single attachment attacks, which are both a giant part of the meta :]i despise sylveon mill. i feel the deck takes very little skill to play since it denies player interaction, which is the core of any card game. i understand control is valid card game archetype but control decks in other games can still involve intense player interaction and outplaying, while sylveon just feels like the fun police
At a competitive level Sylveon is one of the hardest decks to play since in order to play it well requires accurately predicting your opponent and having a deep knowledge of the decks you play against.i despise sylveon mill. i feel the deck takes very little skill to play since it denies player interaction, which is the core of any card game. i understand control is valid card game archetype but control decks in other games can still involve intense player interaction and outplaying, while sylveon just feels like the fun police
i despise sylveon mill. i feel the deck takes very little skill to play since it denies player interaction, which is the core of any card game. i understand control is valid card game archetype but control decks in other games can still involve intense player interaction and outplaying, while sylveon just feels like the fun police