Which decks will and wont be killed (100%) by a format change?


Aspiring Trainer
I understand Claydol being gone will reduce the speed of decks that require the quick draws.

I know that Garchomp/Luxray is not going to be changed.
I beat Flygon wouldn't be totally kill, given without trapinch it will be worse. Also it can just run reversals and Vileplume instead of Palkia if it is going for a lock. Jumpluff will still be working ok. Turtwig GL will do ok just missing snowpoint
Assuming a PT-on format (which is what I think most people are expecting), then Speedrill, Scizor/Cherrim (at least the way we know it now), Dusknoir Lv. X, Legos/AMU, janky Claydol decks that use Claydol as the main attacker, and Gardevoir/Gallade come to mind.
As many have said, Charizard/Typhlosion/Ninetales will be 95% untouched with the rotation. The only big loss will be roseanne's, which is helpful to search for energy to roast reveal.

Luxray/Garchomp depends on the rotation. A lot of people think the format will be RR on, which kills most of SP's support. No uxie or cyrus will put the hurt on Luxchomp. If, on the other hand, the format is PT-On Luxchomp will lose almost nothing except Uxie. Although its usefulness will also be in question since Gyarados will retire, and there will be no claydol to dragon rush. Other SP decks like luxape and blazeray might be a better choice due to their higher damage output.
^ They won't rotate half (or even part) of platinum, if they do then most of the cards in the format will be useless. If the format does end up being PT-on then Dialga G would still be pretty solid.
*cry's* shiftry!!!!! oh well, i hope they make another shiftry card fast. creating a draw system will be easier if you where to just stick to trainer's as it's more consistent then running a dual line stage 1 or 2 draw system. as for deck's in general, i hope sf stay's around for a year, but sp, grass, fire and mother or curse gar is gonna be around, i'm sad that plox is going but whateve. cya
DaligaChomp, Anything mainly based around Lux X, Maybe Palkia G will be ok...
Uxie, Azelf, and Claydol are done... Sadly I use Azelf and Uxie in my current deck... :(... lol
amisheskimoninja said:
As many have said, Charizard/Typhlosion/Ninetales will be 95% untouched with the rotation. The only big loss will be roseanne's, which is helpful to search for energy to roast reveal.

I have started to experiment with Collector/Interviewer's Questions as a Roseanne's replacement, and I think it could work quite well, especially in a deck like Charizard that depends on lots of benched cards and acquiring energy.
varit said:
*cry's* shiftry!!!!! oh well, i hope they make another shiftry card fast. creating a draw system will be easier if you where to just stick to trainer's as it's more consistent then running a dual line stage 1 or 2 draw system. as for deck's in general, i hope sf stay's around for a year, but sp, grass, fire and mother or curse gar is gonna be around, i'm sad that plox is going but whateve. cya

Wasn't Shiftry in RR? If that's the case, I think it's 100% certain that he'll stay in the format.
festizzio said:
Wasn't Shiftry in RR? If that's the case, I think it's 100% certain that he'll stay in the format.

Ya, Shiftry was RR, i just don't see what it has to do with quick draws though
Shuppet and Cursegar are definately going to be killed by rotation. No more Mr. Mime to hide behind and no more Unown Q to give your walls free retreat.
Uhhh... The only deck I could think right now is Charizard. It loses the Uxie, Roseanne's, and Poke-Radar (Uhhh...). Though, those cards can be easily replaced.
festizzio said:
Assuming a PT-on format (which is what I think most people are expecting), then Speedrill, Scizor/Cherrim (at least the way we know it now), Dusknoir Lv. X, Legos/AMU, janky Claydol decks that use Claydol as the main attacker, and Gardevoir/Gallade come to mind.

Speedrill: GE Beedrill(attacker) is gone.
Scizor/Cherrim: Both SF, both go away.
Duskenoir X: Stormfront, gone.
AMU: Gone.
Claydol attack decks? Where are YOU playing?: Gone.
GG: Gone, both are SW.

All of those cards you mentioned(besides legos) will get cycled out as they are before PT budddddy.

The Hybrid said:
DaligaChomp, Anything mainly based around Lux X, Maybe Palkia G will be ok...
Uxie, Azelf, and Claydol are done... Sadly I use Azelf and Uxie in my current deck... :(... lol

Generally, every decent player does.
I think maybe flygon ninetails typhlosion might be good, and Luxray toolbox might be allrite.
I could see Kingdra doing good. Engineer's Adjustments provides for drawing acceleration, and it only needs 1 energy to attack. I could see it doing well.